Diversity For An Effective Organization. It’s Not What They Think.

The Creator’s Path
13 min readJun 4, 2019


Most people have opted for the lazy and anger-fueled interpretation of diversity and equality.

This is not a piece on the importance of diversity. I think that’s table stakes knowledge at this point in societal evolution.

Rather, I hope to share my opinions on the process for effective diversity. Not one that serves superficial optics and plays to being “diverse for diversity’s sake”.

What I want to address is the use of diversity as a crutch by the attention-seeking special snowflake and the over-coddling leaders who are afraid to stick to their guns. Maybe it’s just me but most of the reference for the importance of diversity stems from an outcry from someone’s complaint, fear to be politically incorrect and desire to look different. Call me a cynic but just like how I believe the greatest driver for a great job is sex, I think the drivers behind the modern era’s call for diversity is not one for an effective organization. Okay, let’s first define what diversity is.

Starts with the Leadership

First off, the research on having diverse teams is obvious (i.e. Forbes, HBR). It’s great for your overall organization. 100%. It’s something companies and teams should be cognizant of.



The Creator’s Path

Pursuing Self-Mastery | Writing about investing, powerlifting, and exploring humanity @ OMDVentures.com