Is the Water Cold?

The Creator’s Path
1 min readFeb 15, 2016


I’m a swimmer. Standing at the pool’s edge, I always do the same thing no matter what. I dip my toe in to see if it’s cold knowing full and well I’m going to jump in and be fully immersed in possibly cold water. BUT! Once I get in the water, my body acclimates to the temperature and I feel warm — ready to swim my laps.

I feel like that as I’m writing this now.

I was once a daily blogger. Had a large readership. Was ranked high in Google Page ranking. In fact, when you googled just my first name, my site popped up on the first page. ( I was always proud of that one ) Until my my blog and all it’s posts were hacked and deleted. That was no fun.

I’ve missed this pool of words and thoughts.

So now I find myself on the edge of this platform, dipping my toe in (typing fingers) to see if it’s ok to jump in again.

I think it is.

Ok. It’s time to jump back in.



The Creator’s Path

Husband, Father, Triathlete, World Traveler, Artist Relations Director