Questioning Defaults In Life

The Creator’s Path
3 min readAug 14, 2019


What are the things in life we choose to accept as the default setting? Have you asked yourself what settings in your own life you’ve left as the default option rather than deliberately setting it to the option you want?

Have you changed the ring tone on your phone after you bought it? Is the notification sound the default “ding”?

Social Defaults

Family? Are they the people you really want to be spending time with? Why love them at all? This does double for your friends, why do you hang out with that group?

Marriage? Have you considered why you should marry? Does that change how you feel about your partner or will it change it for the better?

Monogamy in relationships? Most of human civilization wasn’t monogamous, is that the setting you want to choose?

Environment Defaults

Why would you buy a house? Have you actually done the math of renting vs. buying? Have you factored in flexibility, worst case scenarios, and emotions?

Why do you live where you live? Why do you stay where you were born or where your parents are? Why do you stay in the country where you are a “citizen” of?

Why do you identify with a country, ethnicity, and/or city you were born into?



The Creator’s Path

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