Quieting the Cacophony of Busy

It’s our choice what we pay attention to…

Aaron Charles
The Creator’s Path


I was sitting on a bucket.

The bucket was perched on the bank of a small stream that runs through the wooded area behind my brother’s house. As I started to write this, the first rays of the new morning were streaking through the branches and resting lightly on the mossy tree roots and ferns that dot the bank on the far side of the stream. The morning dew had made its rounds to let all the locals know that a new day had begun while the birds sent wake-up calls from their perches high in the trees.

It is a beautiful place, but it’s actually quite noisy.

You see, the sounds of the stream fight for attention. Just beyond the trees, a major freeway winds through the South Carolina hills. Also nearby is the region’s major airport. The noise of cars and airplanes mix to create a cacophony of busy — people hurrying on their Monday morning commute or traveling to a far-off destination.



Aaron Charles
The Creator’s Path

Christ-follower. Husband to @SarahLCharles. Simple moments hold great power. Connect with me at my website: www.aarondcharles.com