Running 5 Miles in the Sand is a Metaphor for Life

Rick Corbett Jr.
The Creator’s Path
6 min readFeb 15, 2016

There are times where we all reach a level of extreme clarity, where solutions to things that seemed hard to figure out just magically appear. For some it is in quiet times, for others it happens when they are exerting themselves and trying to focus on something to get them through the workout or event.

For me, it’s running. I run 5 miles every morning barefoot on the beach in the sand and this morning it came to me like a bolt of lightning. I was running into a 30 mile an hour headwind, the sand was blowing sideways, it felt like my body was being sandblasted. The sand had shifted in the wind, in some areas it was 2” deep and 6” deep in others.

As I was going through some deep sand it came to me how running in the sand is just like my life as an entrepreneur. I am sure for those of you that read this that maybe are not entrepreneurs, you can probably relate as well.

When I first started my run, the sand was thin and even in some areas was scarce from the wind and it was relatively easy considering I was running into a 30 mile an hour headwind. But as I got 1 ¼ miles into the run the sand started to get deep and I was thinking to myself how brutal this particular run is. It was literally like running up a 45 degree hill with the wind pushing me back, making me work harder to keep my pace, wearing me out quicker with every step I took.

My focus for the run was on goal setting. I was thinking about how we set goals, the plans we make and what we do to achieve them. I was approaching the 2 1/2 mile mark which is my turnaround point, so the last 2.5 miles was with the wind but there was still 1.5 miles of deep sand to go through on my return trip.

We as humans set goals based on what we want in life. Some goals we set are small and easily achievable. At the same time many of us set big goals, big hairy audacious goals that make us stretch ourselves and go way outside our comfort zone.

Running in the sand when it is shallow and easy to run through is like setting and achieving small, easy goals. We just make it happen, because there is nothing too hard about achieving these goals but it does instill a sense of discipline and accomplishment.

Whereas running in the deep sand is like the big hairy audacious goals we set to out accomplish. It’s hard every step of the way as you sink down into the sand. It pushes you to your limits, makes you work harder than you ever have and makes you ask yourself if it’s worth it, putting yourself through true torture to achieve the end result.

As I am running I said to myself this is hard, harder than expected, not really sure I can make it. I am out of breath, struggling to get a deep breath and when I looked ahead there was still a long way to go before I finished.

At that point it’s just like in life as you have choices to make: do I give up and take the easy way out or do I suck it up and do whatever it takes to finish my run strong and achieve my goal?

If you are like me, you never give up. I keep the pedal to the metal, knowing deep down inside that achieving the goal, the discipline it instills and what it will make of me is more important than the comfort I will get from stopping or slowing down and the disappointment of not achieving my goal.

It’s creates mental toughness knowing that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, that there is nothing that will stop me from achieving the goals I set for myself.

That is just like life, sometimes it is easy and everything is going along smoothly, then all of a sudden everything changes and you are thrown a curveball. Life takes a 180° turn and its hard, harder than you could ever imagine, you face things you never faced before and are not sure you can make it.

It puts you face-to-face with your goals and what you really want in life. It makes you make choices you never thought you would have to make, but you have to. And I mean right now, because your dreams and goals are on the line. What you want in life and what you want to become are at stake.

Do I give up and take the easy way out or do I persevere, push through the pain, be mentally strong and finish what I started the same way I drew it out in my mind when I set the goal in the beginning?

One of my mentors many years ago told me: “Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better, stronger, more disciplined, more focused, more driven and willing to do whatever it takes to live the life of your dreams”.

When the going gets tough, those words of wisdom always pop into my mind and push me to keep going, even when I don’t want to. I know that if I embrace the discipline and finish what I set out to do, no matter the obstacles placed in my way that I will grow to be the person I always wanted to be and the person I need to be to achieve that goal.

Every day, I know that when I push through the deep sand, the rain (yes I run in the rain), the wind and occasionally the cold and finish my run that I am better than I was the day before. I know in my heart there is no goal that is too big or unattainable.

That’s why I encourage you to try running and building up to the point where you are doing at least 5 miles a day, at least 5 days a week. You too will realize a level of clarity in your life you that have never experienced and will look forward to it every day.

Another plus is you will find it a valuable resource when the times get tough, knowing that you can get through any challenge life throws at you.

Personally, running is not something I love to do but have developed a need to push myself every day and running is my way of doing that. Now I am addicted to the feeling I get from pushing myself to run faster every day and how it gives me the ability to laser focus throughout the day. I love running for the discipline it instills in me. I embrace the discipline of getting up 5 mornings a week at 5:30 am and being on the beach running by 6:15 am. People think my brother and I are crazy, but they don’t have the massive (seemingly impossible to them) goals we have either.

Running has provided us clarity and the understanding that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.

So if you have big, hairy audacious goals and don’t know how you will get there and achieve your goals, start running. In short order you will develop clarity like you never had before and like magic you will figure it out and be on your way to achieving every goal you set for yourself.

