The Creator’s Path 9

David King
The Creator’s Path
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2 min readFeb 22, 2016


Hope you are having an awesome Sunday. Thank you as always for reading!

Thought of the Week: We develop habits to reach our goals, but we should also find pleasure in those habits themselves. I wrote a post on Medium about it: 8 Habits You Should Try, and Why I Don’t Care If They Make Me More “Successful” You can also check out an audio recording on SoundCloud and let me know what you think.

Quote of the Week: “Whenever you are angry, be assured that it is not only a present evil, but that you have increased a habit.” ~ Epictetus
I have been reading Emotional Intelligence this week, which has me thinking about the relationship between our emotions, reactions and how they are fundamentally habits.

Article of the Week: 4 Ways to Become a Better Learner — Harvard Business Review

HBR takes a look at how we can improve our learning agility.

What is learning agility?
“Learning agility is the capacity for rapid, continuous learning from experience.” people with who exhibit this ability tend to value and derive satisfaction from the process of learning itself, which boosts their motivation as well as their capacity to learn from challenging developmental experiences.”

How do you develop it?

  • Ask for feedback. Maintain a growth mindset and embrace that you have more to learn.
  • Experiment with new behaviors. Sometimes you will get more by playing than from work.
  • Look for connections across unrelated areas — Innovation is often just the intersection of two established ideas.
  • Make time for reflection. Growth and introspection allow you to extract more from what you are learning.

Creator of the Week: Matthew Castel is the co-founder of Logos LP a hedge fund. He creates more high-quality content about finance than almost anyone I know. Himself and his co-founder Peter have found a way to create value beyond their investment returns by sharing the strategies through their blog and their thoughts through a weekly newsletter.

I’m building an application that sends you a daily text message reminder about your most important habits. Want to help figure it out? Shoot me an email

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