4 Simple hacks influential startup founders follow to maximize their productivity

Self-Taught Motivation
3 min readJun 19, 2016

Humans have a natural desire to be more productive. We want more time, we want to do more with our time, and we want to do better with our time. However, we also know that breaking our daily habits to improve productivity is a grueling challenge, and we are often left lost in the chaotic journey.

We’ve gathered the top productivity tips from startup founders, one of the hardest-working group of professionals, to show you how they maximize their productivity while competing against giant companies. These four simple tricks show you that improving productivity is not rocket science but rather a series of small steps; read on and start improving your productivity today.

Plan ahead and prioritize

We’ve all experienced situations avoidable in the first place only if we planned ahead. David Horne, founder of GetFanPack, cannot live without prioritizing his to-do list into three categories: now, next, and soon. By predicting what needs to get accomplished in the near future, it’s easier to handle things as they come. Horne claims, “Being proactive helps you free up time and energy by riding waves of momentum instead of getting pummeled by busyness.”

Write everything down

As much as we’d wish it wasn’t true, our memory often fails us. This is exactly why Kendall Guillemette, co-founder of GroundedMag, maintains a running list of notes, to-dos, and everything else that may cross her mind.

“…The task of my brain holding onto that little piece of information is taking time and energy away from whatever task it is that I’m working on in the moment.”

Additionally, having a visual of your goals and tasks only sets you up for success. Tracking your progress in a visible manner results in a clear direction of how you’ll achieve your goals.

Implement Daily Routines/Habits

Humans are creatures of habit, so why not take advantage of this biological trait? As a firm believer in the power of habit, Bevan Barton, founder of Bountify, swears by his established morning routine. “…Establishing a morning routine has done more for my productivity than anything else.” Adopting a routine means knowing what works for you, and ensuring no time is wasted thinking about what needs to get done.

Focus on one task at a time

Sorry to break it to you, but our brains are not capable of multitasking. Mark Cyrus, founder of BraveWhale, structures his approach to accomplishing tasks around this human limitation.

“I define bite size tasks and goals for the day. I’ve discovered that setting small goals allows me to focus more on what I can do right then, and achieve them faster.”

By narrowing his focus, Cyrus finishes items on his list faster and more efficiently, and can move onto the next important task on his plate.

Seems easy enough? Take a moment to read these tips one more time and slowly bring them into your life. Share these tricks with friends and improve productivity together, keeping each other accountable and addressing each other’s challenges.

We’ve created Aura, a mobile productivity companion, to help you improve more easily and even faster; why not give it a try at www.auratech.io. We’re currently offering limited invites to our beta.

Find out what other startup founders do to stay productive: https://foundersgrid.com/productivity-hacks/

Try out Aura on private beta: http://www.auratech.io/



Self-Taught Motivation

Know your day’s purpose; Get things done; Experience a more positive you. Try it for yourself at http://www.auratech.io/