I am being taught how to listen to me

Our featured piece is by our founder Sue Cooper. An emotive poem about hope and peace.

Self Care World
Self Care World
2 min readSep 11, 2018


Photo by Icons8 team

Out of the depths of despair and darkness

The chinks of light are there

Look to the light, see it sparkle and enjoy its warmth

Freedom comes from shedding burdens

Meet them, greet them and wave them goodbye

Then take the small steps forward, embracing with love who you are

You do not know your future, but do not worry

Your present is NOW, your stillness speaks

Your future will come to you when your mind and heart is open

Sue Cooper is a Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, Holistic Lifestyle Coach and Registered Nurse and is qualified from The Chopra Centre for Well-being as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Instructor.

Self Care World takes a contemporary approach to personal well-being, mind-body-spirit “wellness” and holistic health to awaken people to their own creative healing potential. We include new, cutting-edge frontiers where science and modern medicine are increasingly reconnecting with traditional therapies and ancient wisdom streams, research and evidence from Neuroscience, new biologies and emerging mind body sciences.

Photo by Austin Chan



Self Care World
Self Care World

Co-creating integrative care communities. CARE. CONNECTION. INTEGRATION. EVOLUTION