Selfie.Live Ambassador Program to Launch in Mid-April

Dana Farbo
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2024

The highly anticipated Selfie.Live Ambassador Program is set for launch in mid-April, marking an innovative milestone in the evolution of the Signed Selfie social media interaction. The program is centered around the core value of a referral system that will undoubtedly top up engagement within the community and is supported by tokenized rewards.

Ambassadors will be rewarded with SFREWARD tokens, storable in their respective Web3 Wallets, for their involvement in carrying forward the message of Selfie.Live. This unique reward system not only incentivizes increased participation but also roots for an enhanced user experience in the sphere of decentralized finance.

SFREWARD tokens act like points within the Selfie.Live platform and though not tradeable outside of the Selfie.Live ecosystem, they will be exchangeable for $SFLIVE tokens that will become tradeable inside and outside the platform. More information on the dynamics of SFREWARD and $SFLIVE tokens will be available soon.

Under the Selfie.Live Ambassador Program, users will be exhilarated by the opportunity to attain a celebrity-like status, courtesy of them signing selfies for their followers. This will be facilitated through the state-of-the-art Selfie.Live Celebrity app which will provide an expanded account management interface, thus elevating user involvement to unrivaled heights.

To improve engagement, every ambassador can receive an extra 100 bonus tokens for the milestone of reaching ten new accounts. The program will also create Leaderboards where Ambassadors can compete for even more rewards.

In essence, the Selfie.Live Ambassador Program is poised to revolutionize the trends and practices of social media involvement, and reward user commitment in a truly exciting and inclusive manner.

