Videos from May Event

We’ve produced some videos about the event to let people find out about what happened and get people excited about future events.

Overall Event Summary

Power Series Racing with Jim Burke — sub $1000 autonomous vehicle competition

Comma.AI with George Hotz — company developing autonomous…

XSens/Fairchild Dataset Available

Fairchild Semiconductor and Xsens have shared the datasets captured on their MEMS Attitude Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) and GNSS/INS systems. The files include measurements from the Fairchild FIS1100 6 Degree of Freedom (DoF) IMU, the Fairchild FMT-1030 AHRS, the…

PolySync Dataset Available

We’re happy to announce the release of the PolySync dataset from our first event. This dataset represents an entire session at Thunderhill Raceway, as captured by our research vehicle using multiple LiDAR, GPS, video, MobilEye, radar, and ultrasonic sensors.

High Precision GPS Logs from Swift Navigation

Swift Navigation has published documentation and a dataset of high resolution GPS data collected at our last event at Thunderhill West. Developers interested in using the Piksi in their designs can see what the racetrack would look like. We also have published a copy of the data at

Event Photos and First Dataset

Got Blue Milk took photos from our event. I’ve uploaded them to a photo album. Please help me annotate who is in each picture! If you have photos to contribute, please drop us a line.

Self Racing Cars
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