New Challange / Yeni Meydan Okuma

Starting my daily Newsletter; I’ll write every single day for the next 30 days.

Selim Uysal
Selim’s Daily Journal


Created by Canva AI Generator Magic Media

You can read this post in a better format on my newsletter site;

Hey all! I am starting December with a new challenge.

I’m starting my daily Newsletter; I’ll write every single day for the next 30 days.

Why I’m doing this?

I have completed a similar program with #Ship30for30. Writing and publishing every day provide me clarity and instill a disciplined daily routine.

What will I write about?

I will write short articles on personal development, efficiency, productivity, and habits.

Where will I write?

I will publish my short articles in my new daily e-mail newsletter, Selim’s Daily Journal (Subscribe to my newsletter here; ), and share them on LinkedIn, Medium, X (Twitter), and Instagram.

I have 0 followers on this newsletter now; I haven’t even set up the custom domain. I’ll build up, learn, and share throughout the journey.



Selim Uysal
Selim’s Daily Journal

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dad & Husband, 🩹Humanitarian Professional, 📚 Lifelong Learner. I share my learnings on personal growth and productivity.