Stuck on how to connect with your customers? We’re here to help.

Team AMI
Sell with AMI
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2020

If you own your own business, you may be finding it difficult to know where to start when it comes to connecting with your customers and leads right now. At AMI, we believe in the power of 1:1 connections to build authentic, lasting relationships. As we all practice social distancing, this couldn’t be more important.

Last week, our team revisited the default message templates that are pre-filled when you send messages through AMI. Rather than make light of the situation or the scarcity of everyday supplies like toilet paper, our templates focus on building connections and starting conversations, even from afar.

How it started: inspiration from our community

Two recent #poweredbyAMI stories stood out to us when thinking through our message templates. They both emphasized the importance of continuing to build your business (don’t assume people don’t want to buy from you!) and building human connections that focus on more than sales.

Alyshea D. started 2020 looking for inspiration on how to grow her business this year. She took advice from another #poweredbyAMI social seller to heart who encouraged her to reach out to everyone until they told her a hard no. In February, she completed every AMI To Do and had her best sales month ever. She’s continued to do this in March, which quickly replaced February as her best month ever! Alyshea shared:

Following up works, and in a time like now, I can guarantee your customers and family and friends want to see something positive! This is the time to work your business. They are looking to support you and help you. The answer is always no if you don’t ask.

We were also inspired by Shann G.’s story of how she connected with a customer who is a flight attendant during this tough time:

AMI reminded me to connect with a customer who’s a flight attendant who had bought a necklace from me. Instead of focusing on her recent purchase, I thanked her for all she has been doing and let her know that I appreciate her and how she cares for people. I love the ability to leave notes to remind myself details about my customers. My text to her today was all about her and how she is amazing.

We love that Shann focused on her customer and what that customer might be going through right now and was able to remember a personal detail about her customer with notes stored in AMI.

Recent updates to message templates

Here’s how we’ve adjusted our default message templates:

  • Re-engaging with past customers: You know the reminders you might easily dismiss that encourage you to reconnect with a customer who hasn’t ordered in a while? Our updated template now focuses on starting a conversation without necessarily bringing up your business. We encourage you to add a line or two about how you’re adapting to changes in your routine.
  • 1:1 direct reach outs to contacts: Our updated default template asks your contact a simple question: What is currently bringing you joy? We encourage you to share what brings you joy, too.
  • Team coaching reminders: With kids and partners at home and incentive trips postponed, your team members may be finding it difficult to stay motivated. Rather than focusing on goals set, the default templates focus on asking how you can provide support and coaching.

We hope these updates encourage you to keep building connections! Team AMI is cheering you on and we’re here to support you and your business through every season of life.

If you’re feeling stuck or looking for 1:1 training, connect with us at

Have #poweredbyAMI story you’d like to share with us? Send us a note at We’d love to showcase your story.

About Us

We launched in 2017 with the mission: build both a product experience and a community for direct sellers around the world.

We would also love to work with you on future blog posts. If you would like to share your story and experience, send us a blog submission!



Team AMI
Sell with AMI

We’re changing how people build authentic relationships and sell the products they love & transforming the sales industry.