Connect eBay With Your Online Store: Step-by-Step Guide

Sellbery Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2019

How can I integrate my store with eBay?

It is a common question among online sellers who want to bring a new sales channel into play. Their interest in multichannel selling is easily explained as it helps to expand eCommerce operations, increase revenue, and put products where potential customers prefer to shop.

If you have ever wondered how to integrate your store with eBay, you are about to get your answer. The article uncovers the following aspects of integrating two sales channels:

  • why it is worth bringing in a new sales channel
  • what benefits you will get from the integration of your online store with eBay
  • the best way to integrate an online store and eBay

How Does eBay Work for Sellers: Main Aspects to Consider

Selling products in your own online store is good, but selling them on eBay also is better. This marketplace is popular among sellers, thanks to the millions of customers, diverse product categories, and favorable pricing policy. Take a look at the most promising statistics of eBay that will win you over.

eBay has 182 million active buyers. When sellers place products on the marketplace, they have a chance of reaching all these people who are looking for items to buy. As they are ready to make a purchase, eBay conversion is higher than the one of online stores.

There is no wonder why eBay attracts merchants. The benefits of selling there are numerous. When you become an eBay seller, you automatically get access to the following advantages:

  • you can sell products in a wide range of product categories
  • you can use a set a price or auction price strategy
  • access to millions of shoppers who can become your customers

The Benefits and Downsides of Multichannel Selling With eBay

A seller who considers working with two and more sales channels should be prepared for the difficulties that might arise. Below you can find a shortlist of downsides that can get in your way:

  • You need to keep the information about products up-to-date on all channels. It implies hours spent on the manual update of product listings and synchronization.
  • Inventory management is another problem that might scare sellers away. When they operate on multiple marketplaces, the complexity of this task multiplies.
  • Overselling can not only spoil customer experience but also get you penalties from the marketplace you operate on. You have to address this issue too.
  • Analyzing the results of your work is challenging as you need to gather data from different resources, structure and compare it.

At the same time, the benefits of multichannel selling are also great. In most cases, they override disadvantages:

  • The more channels you utilize, the more touchpoints you have with your potential customers
  • Buyers are more likely to purchase from a seller on a marketplace rather than from an individual merchant
  • Marketplaces have billions of users, and you can easily reach them.

Fortunately, there are some solutions that can help you overcome the cons and enjoy the pros of multichannel eCommerce. And below you will learn about the best way to connect eBay with your online store.

Get to know how to connect eBay with your online store and even more info on Sellbery Blog. Click here to read more.



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