Amazon PPC vs. Amazon SEO: Which one is better?

Nived UP
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2024

In the competitive world of Amazon marketing, understanding and utilizing the right strategies is key to standing out. Two primary methods, Amazon PPC and Amazon SEO, play crucial roles in enhancing visibility and driving sales.

While Amazon PPC focuses on paid advertising for immediate results, Amazon SEO involves optimizing product listings for long-term organic growth. Both strategies are essential for a comprehensive approach to Amazon marketing, and knowing when and how to use each can significantly impact your success.

Understanding Amazon PPC and SEO

Amazon SEO is a free, long-term strategy focusing on optimizing your Amazon product listings to improve organic rankings. It involves enhancing titles, descriptions, images, and backend keywords.

Conversely, Amazon PPC is a paid advertising strategy that promotes products to a targeted audience, yielding immediate sales through campaigns like Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Displays.

Amazon SEO

Amazon SEO involves optimizing product listings to improve their organic ranking on Amazon search results. This includes:

Front-End Optimization: Enhancing product titles, images, bullet points, and descriptions with high-search-volume keywords relevant to the product.
Back-End Optimization: Adding important keywords in the backend of the Seller Central account to help Amazon’s algorithm index and rank the products better.


  1. Cost-free and long-lasting impact.
  2. Improved visibility in relevant search results.


  1. Takes time to see significant results.
  2. Requires consistent effort to maintain rankings.

Amazon PPC

Amazon PPC is Amazon’s native advertising channel, offering immediate visibility and sales by targeting specific audiences with paid ads. It operates on a pay-per-click model, meaning advertisers pay only when their ad is clicked.


  1. Immediate visibility and sales.
  2. Ability to reach a targeted audience quickly.


  1. Continuous cost as ads need a budget.
  2. Sales drop when the ad budget is exhausted.
  3. High competition and varying costs per click.

Why You Need Both

Unfortunately, it’s not a question of which one I should use. Using both Amazon SEO and PPC strategies together is crucial for maximizing visibility and sales on Amazon. They complement each other in the following ways:

How Amazon SEO Impacts Amazon PPC

Optimizing your listings with relevant keywords enhances the effectiveness of automatic PPC campaigns, ensuring ads reach the right audience and maximizing ad spend efficiency.

How Amazon PPC Impacts Amazon SEO

Running PPC ads can boost sales, leading to more reviews and better organic rankings. Increased sales from PPC can create a snowball effect, improving the product’s visibility and organic rank.

Do They Compete With Each Other?

In rare cases, Amazon PPC and SEO might compete. If a product already ranks high organically, running ads for the same keywords might lead to cannibalization of organic sales. However, it’s often recommended to run ads regardless to prevent competitors from capturing those top spots.

Final Thoughts

There’s no definitive choice between Amazon PPC and SEO; both are essential. Amazon SEO enhances product listing quality and ensures long-term visibility, while Amazon PPC provides immediate sales and visibility. Using both strategies together can maximize impact, driving both short-term and long-term success.

For optimal results, continually refine your strategies. Use tools like SellerApp’s free Listing Quality Tool to check your listing quality and optimize your PPC campaigns for better performance. By integrating both PPC and SEO, sellers can effectively navigate the competitive Amazon marketplace and achieve sustained growth.

We recommend you read the entire blog article on Amazon PPC vs. Amazon SEO and understand the in-depth difference between the two.



Nived UP
Writer for

A dedicated copywriter with nearly 4 years of experience, Nived works with Amazon sellers to help them succeed on the platform.