Amazon Seller Account Creation 2020

Ankitha Nagaraj
Published in
5 min readJun 3, 2020

Amazon has been helping numerous businesses across the world earn money by selling products to millions of customers on its marketplace. Amazon, through its constant innovation and customer obsession, has reported worldwide net revenue of $75.452 billion in the first quarter, an increase of 26.4% from $59.700 billion during the first three months of 2019.

So if you are planning to become an Amazon seller, it’s definitely the right time! So, the process is fairly simple and it shouldn’t take you more than half an hour.

First up. I would suggest you keep all the essential information ready before you start. This includes:

  • Legal business name (if you are a business owner), contact information, business address,
  • The email address you plan on using for this account
  • An international credit card, bank account information
  • Your tax information(if you are a business owner) — which includes your Social security number or your company’s Federal Tax ID number.
  • Bank Account statement/ Credit Card Statement(if you are an individual seller)

Registration Process

To access the Seller Central sign up page, go to and click on “Sign Up”

Amazon will first ask for information about Business Location and Business Entity Type

If you are a business owner, then choose one of the many options including — state-owned, publicly-listed, privately-owned, or charity. But, if you’re starting out fresh, then choose “None, I’m an individual” and proceed further

After you have completed this step, agreed to Amazon’s T&C, you only have to complete 5 more steps

Based on the business entity type selected, you’ll have to fill in the following information

Business Entity Type: Individual Seller

1. Individual Information:
A. Give Proof of Identity, could be passport or any other document that is acceptable in your country.
B. Furnish details about citizenship and DOB
C. Lastly, the business address. Ensure the right business address is entered as Amazon will validate it by sending a verification code through post
D. Phone verification

2. Marketplaces
Choose the marketplace that you want to enter — North America/Europe/Japan. You will be charged $39.99 to access all the marketplaces with Global Selling Promotion

3. Billing
You have to enter the details of a valid international credit card that will be charged $39.99 once the account is setup

4. Store
You can select a Store Name here. This is the name that people are going to see on your listing page when they buy your products. You ideally want to keep this as simple and generic as possible so that you can cover products from various niches in your listings. On the other hand, if you want to focus on only one specific niche like electronics or footwear or something along those lines, then you can pick a display name that gives the visitor a good idea of what your business is all about

You will also have to declare if you have UPCs and if you are the manufacturer and have a government-registered trademark or not in this step.

5. Verification
This is where you have to submit proofs such as Passport and Bank Account Statement or Credit Card Statement that has been issued within the past 10 days and you can hide the currency amount, but the document must remain intact and other information clearly visible.

Business Entity Type: Business Owner

All the steps are more or less the same as the above registration process for an individual seller. In the following section, only the differences will be pointed out

1. Seller Agreement
You will have to enter a Legal Name and accept the Seller Agreement

2. Seller Information
Apart from entering your business address and choosing your business name, you can also enter your website URL.

3. Billing/Deposit
You have to enter the details of a valid international credit card and you’ll also be asked to add Deposit Method. So here, in the Deposit Method, you have to fill in the information correctly as this is how you are going to get your money from Amazon. Whatever money you make selling products on the site, Amazon will transfer it to the bank account you mention here.

4. Tax Information
This is the most crucial part of the entire process. Here you’ll have to select ‘Start Tax Interview.’

If you are not sure about anything, it is better to contact your financial advisor or an accountant. Since you are dealing with taxes and the IRS, it is better to be absolutely sure before entering any information.

  • The first few questions are fairly easy — like whether you will receive payments as an individual/sole-proprietor or a business, and whether you are a US citizen or a non-US citizen and the name of your entity.
  • In this step, you will be required to select your Federal Tax Classification from the dropdown menu If you have registered as a business. Depending on the type of company you have registered, you will have to choose between C Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, Trust/estate, Limited liability company, or Other.

However, if you are selling as an individual/sole proprietor, then the dropdown options will not be applicable to you.

  • After that, you need to enter your address and tax identification information. This can be either your Tax Identification Number (TIN), Social Security Number (SSN), or your Employer Identification Number (EIN). EIN is applicable if you have registered as a business.

Again, when you are filling these details, please re-check and make sure that you are not committing any mistakes.

  • Following this, you will be asked to provide your consent for an electronic signature for your W-9 form. If you choose to provide your consent, scroll down, and fill in your name. If you don’t provide consent, then you will be required to download your completed W-9 form, sign it and mail the hardcopy to Amazon. The mailing address is mentioned in the description.

So the tricky part is now over. Select ‘Exit Interview’ and you will be taken to the last part about product information.

5. Products Information
This is very similar to the Store Information step in the Individual Seller account set up process

Here, you’ll be asked to enter information about UPCs. Choose an option based on if you have it or not. Choose appropriate answers to if you are the manufacturer or not and the number of products you plan to sell.

Lastly, click ‘Finish’ to complete the sign-up process and that’s it. You have successfully created your seller account on Amazon. It’s as easy as that!

