Definitive Guide to Amazon Search Term Optimization

Jeniffer Alexander
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2024

Investing thousands in Amazon Sponsored Product ads can be frustrating, only to see them buried in obscurity.

Mastering Amazon search term optimization can help you avoid this pitfall.

What is Amazon Search Term Optimization?

Amazon search terms are the keywords customers use when searching for products. These terms are crucial for product discoverability, guiding Amazon’s algorithm in displaying the most relevant products. For example, a customer searching for a “portable blender” might use terms like “mini blender” or “travel blender.”

Amazon search term optimization involves strategically selecting and refining keywords in your product listings and PPC campaigns to enhance visibility and improve search rankings.

This process includes targeting key search terms, adjusting product descriptions, and refining keyword selection to drive more traffic and conversions.

Three Ways to Optimize Your Amazon Search Terms

Here are three ways in which you can optimize your Amazon search terms.

Manual Campaigns and Keyword Refinement

Creating manual campaigns allows you to manage and refine your keywords directly. Conduct thorough keyword research using Amazon’s autocomplete feature or competitor listings to identify high-performing keywords. Monitor your campaign performance metrics and adjust your bidding strategies and keyword selection accordingly.

Optimizing Existing PPC Campaigns

Tools like SellerApp’s PPC audit tool can provide valuable insights into your ad campaigns. By analyzing your search term report, you can identify high-converting keywords and areas of wasted ad spending. Reallocate your budget towards high-performing keywords to maximize your ROI.

Use Automation Tools to Boost Efficiency

Automation tools like SellerApp can significantly enhance your search term optimization efforts. For example, the Wasted Click Eliminator template helps minimize wasted clicks by excluding non-performing search terms. Other tools like the ACoS Reducer manage advertising costs, while Dayparting adjusts advertising budgets for specific times of the day to maximize efficiency.

Six Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon Search Terms

  1. Use Amazon’s search bar suggestions and third-party tools like SellerApp Keyword Research to gather insights into popular search terms.
  2. Choose keywords with high search volume and relevance to your product.
  3. Integrate primary keywords into critical areas such as the product title, bullet points, product description, and backend search terms.
  4. Include synonyms and alternative variations to broaden the reach of your listing.
  5. Use a diverse range of keywords strategically to avoid excessive repetition.
  6. Regularly review and refine your search terms to remove any that aren’t driving meaningful traffic or conversions.

How to Analyze Your Amazon Search Term Report

Analyzing the Amazon Search Term report is essential for understanding customer search patterns and refining your PPC campaigns.

Access the report through your Amazon Seller Central account and review key metrics like impressions, clicks, CTR, CPC, total spent, total sales, and conversion rate.

Identify the most relevant and frequently searched terms to refine keyword targeting and enhance product descriptions.


Understanding Amazon search term optimization is crucial for maximizing your product visibility and driving sales on the platform. Continuous refinement and adaptation of search term optimization strategies are essential in the dynamic landscape of e-commerce.

Read the full guide on Amazon search term optimization and understand how to unlock the full potential of your products in the online marketplace.



Jeniffer Alexander

Content writer at SellerApp. She writes about eCommerce and Amazon for sellers to help them sell their products.