Mastering Amazon VCPM Campaigns: An In-Depth Guide for Advertisers

Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2023

Amazon’s Sponsored Display ads have long served as a reliable tool for brands to connect with their audience throughout their customer journey.

Until now, these ads were based on a cost-per-click model, meaning you paid for each click on your ad.

But then, in 2022, Amazon introduced a new pricing model called viewable cost-per-mille (VCPM), providing a fresh approach to optimize bids for impression.

This article will show you what VCPM is and how to leverage it to maximize results.

What is VCPM, And How Does it Work?

Amazon’s Sponsored Display ads offer bid optimization options that cater to different campaign goals. These options include optimizing for reach, page visits, and conversions. Depending on the bid optimization strategy chosen, ads are strategically placed at various stages of the customer journey.

VCPM pricing comes into play with the “optimize for reach” strategy.

Unlike CPC campaigns that charge for clicks, VCPM charges per 1000 viewable impressions.

Implementation of VCPM Campaigns

VCPM campaigns are particularly effective for reaching customers at the upper end of the sales funnel. They are well-suited for scenarios such as:

  1. New Brand/Product Launch: Generate excitement and anticipation for new brands or products.
  2. Brand Reinforcement: Strengthen brand identity and messaging to foster lasting customer awareness.
  3. Targeting New-to-Brand Shoppers: Extend your reach to new audiences on and off Amazon.
  4. Seasonal/Promotional Events: Utilize VCPM campaigns to promote offers, seasonal sales, or limited-time deals.
  5. Exploring New Markets: Introduce your brand to fresh audiences when entering new markets or regions.

While VCPM campaigns alone may not drive immediate sales, integrating them with other ad campaigns creates a well-rounded strategy catering to every stage of the customer journey.

Exploring the Pros and Cons of VCPM


  • Extended Reach: VCPM widens your brand’s messaging reach, potentially transcending Amazon boundaries.
  • Exposure to New-To-Brand Shoppers: Off-Amazon VCPM ads foster top-funnel awareness among new audiences.


  • Precise Targeting Limitations: Emphasizing impressions over clicks may compromise control over ad visibility.
  • Impression-Centric Payment: VCPM charges per 1000 viewable impressions, complicating ROAS calculations.
  • Cost Considerations: VCPM campaigns can be cost-intensive and potentially misaligned with budgets.
  • Measurement Complexities: Evaluating VCPM’s impact on brand lift can be intricate due to the delay between impressions and measurable outcomes.

Final Insights

VCPM campaigns excel in capturing upper-funnel customers. However, it’s important to understand its limitations. Balancing their strengths against potential downsides, such as loose targeting and elevated costs, requires a strategic approach.

Strategic application, combined with accurate measurement, holds the key to maximizing VCPM’s potential while minimizing its drawbacks.

If you want to learn more about Amazon VCPM campaigns, dive deep into the full blog post to discover valuable insights and actionable strategies.

