Selling on Amazon Without Inventory

Jeniffer Alexander
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2024

Imagine not having to deal with the hassles of physical inventory management and just being free to tap into the vast Amazon market without the headache of storage space, order packaging, and shipping logistics.

The dream might be a reality through inventory-free selling on Amazon.

In this article, we’ll explore different ways and strategies that allow one to sell on Amazon without having to handle inventory.

Behind the Scenes: Inventory-Free Selling on Amazon

Traditional Amazon selling is exhausting because of the cost of inventory management like overstocking, storage costs, and logistical problems.

However, inventory-free selling posits a paradigm shift, freeing entrepreneurs from these headaches while tapping into the vastness of the Amazon ecosystem.

Five Ways to Sell Without Inventory

  1. Amazon FBA Program

Amazon’s FBA program allows sellers to outsource the logistics process entirely to Amazon. This includes product storage, packaging, and shipping. This hands-off approach lets sellers focus on strategic business elements while the efficiency of the Amazon logistics network handles the rest.

2. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a low-cost entry point for beginners, allowing sellers to do little more than work with suppliers who handle product storage and shipment directly to customers. With sellers focusing on marketing and sales, suppliers handle inventory logistics.

3. Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Companies

If sellers want some flexibility and scalability without investing in physical warehouses, then third-party logistics providers come in handy. Although Amazon’s warehouses are efficient, 3PLs can be advantageous for sellers who work across multiple platforms.

4. Kindle Digital Publishing

Authors and creators can directly publish e-books onto Amazon’s Kindle platform. This eliminates the need for physical inventory. This sets the stage for a creative outlet for writers and allows their work to be seen by a global audience.

5. Digital Products (Merch on Demand)

Sell virtual products, such as custom merchandise, to monetize creativity without the hassle of physical inventory. Amazon’s Print on Demand services print and ship your products.

How to Sell Inventory-Free

  1. Research a niche with high demand and that aligns with your area of expertise.
  2. Decide on one of the inventory-free models that will best fit your business goals: dropshipping, FBA, or digital publishing.
  3. Create an Amazon Seller Account and fill out all the pertinent information to begin selling on Amazon.
  4. Create product listings that are compelling and complete, including high-quality images and detailed descriptions to attract potential buyers.
  5. Use Amazon PPC advertising, social media, and content marketing to make your products more visible.
  6. Build trust and loyalty among customers with a reputation for exceptional customer service.
  7. Monitor your sales performance regularly and adjust strategies as needed based on gained insights.

How to Find Profitable Products

  1. Look at the Best Sellers List on Amazon

Find out what the top-selling products on Amazon are in various categories to get an idea of market demand.

2. Focus on High-Margin Products

Focus on products with the highest profit margins to ensure sustainable revenue growth.

3. Consider Logistics

Keep product size and weight in mind for shipping and storage costs.

4. Analyze Market Trends

Be in tune with market trends to identify products that have continued demand and profitability.

5. Look at Competition

Understand what your competitors are selling and find gaps in the market to differentiate your products.


To sum it up, selling on Amazon without stock is a vast ocean to be successful in e-commerce. Whether it is dropshipping, FBA, digital publishing, or merch on demand, Amazon will give you the chance to actualize your business dreams with no hassle of physical stock control.

Opt for your path, embark on your journey, and make use of your opportunity to become successful in the world’s largest marketplace.

And remember that SellerApp experts are available to support you in your organic growth strategies.

Let’s turn your business dreams into reality on Amazon!

Read the full article here.



Jeniffer Alexander

Content writer at SellerApp. She writes about eCommerce and Amazon for sellers to help them sell their products.