Unveiling the Artistic Pathway to E-Commerce Triumph

Jeniffer Alexander
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2023

In a world dominated by technology, the market for handmade products continues to thrive, capturing the hearts of consumers who seek the charm and craftsmanship of artisanal creations.

Amidst this renaissance of handmade goods, Amazon Handmade has emerged as a driving force, providing a global platform for artisans to showcase their talents and reach millions of customers worldwide.

But is selling handmade products online still worth it in 2023? Join us on this captivating journey as we unravel the secrets behind Amazon Handmade’s extraordinary success.

How to Find Products to Sell on Amazon Handmade?

Finding the right products to sell requires careful research, creativity, and an understanding of customer preferences. Here are the practical tips to discover the perfect products that will captivate customers and elevate your business on Amazon Handmade.

  • Identify Your Niche

Begin by identifying your area of interest and expertise. Choose a category that aligns with your skills and passion, whether it’s jewelry, home decor, clothing, or any other handmade product. Focusing on a specific niche allows you to showcase your unique creativity and stand out from the competition.

  • Study Amazon Handmade Categories

Explore the extensive range of Amazon Handmade categories available to sellers. Dive deep into each category and its subcategories to gain insights into customer preferences and popular product choices. This analysis will help you narrow down your options and identify lucrative opportunities within your chosen niche.

  • Analyze Competitors

Conduct thorough research on other sellers within your niche on Amazon Handmade. Study their product offerings, pricing strategies, customer reviews, and overall brand presentation. Identify gaps or areas where you can offer a distinct value proposition to differentiate yourself in the market.

  • Conduct Keyword Research

Utilize keyword research tools to uncover relevant search terms and keywords that customers use when searching for handmade products. By incorporating these keywords into your product listings, you can enhance discoverability and increase the chances of attracting potential buyers.

  • Research Customer Demand

Stay attuned to customer demand trends in the handmade market. Explore online marketplaces, visit craft fairs, and observe local stores to understand which handmade products are in high demand. This market research will provide valuable insights into the products that resonate with customers and guide your decision-making process.

  • Focus on Quality and Uniqueness

Emphasize the quality and uniqueness of your handmade products. Customers appreciate well-crafted items that utilize high-quality materials and offer a distinctive design. Strive for excellence in every aspect of your products to create a lasting impression and build a loyal customer base.

  • Test and Validate

Before committing to a large inventory, consider testing the market with a smaller batch of products. This allows you to gather customer feedback, gauge demand, and make necessary adjustments. Leverage customer reviews and ratings to continuously improve your offerings and ensure customer satisfaction.

  • Stay Updated and Adapt

The handmade market is ever-evolving, with new trends and customer preferences emerging. Stay informed and adapt your product offerings accordingly. Continuously innovate, introduce fresh designs, and refine your products based on customer feedback and market dynamics to stay ahead of the competition.

Eligibility of Amazon Handmade Artisan

Let’s explore how Amazon Handmade embraces the creative community and provides opportunities for sellers of all backgrounds.

  • Independent Makers

Whether you’re a talented individual working solo or have a small team supporting your creative endeavors, Amazon Handmade opens its doors to independent makers. As long as you have an approved selling account and meet the platform’s guidelines, you can showcase your handmade products and connect directly with customers who appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship behind each creation.

  • Cooperatives

Cooperatives play a vital role in Amazon Handmade’s diverse community. These groups of makers join forces to meet shared economic, social, and cultural needs. By uniting their talents and resources, they bring high-quality handmade products to customers worldwide. Amazon Handmade recognizes the collaborative spirit of cooperatives and offers them a platform to reach a broader audience and grow their collective businesses.

  • Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

Amazon Handmade extends its support to NPOs and NGOs dedicated to social causes or advocating specific viewpoints. These organizations operate independently of the government and leverage the platform to further their missions. By selling handmade products on Amazon Handmade, NPOs and NGOs can generate income to support their initiatives while spreading awareness and connecting with customers who share their values.

  • Social Enterprises

Social enterprises also find a home on Amazon Handmade. These entities aim to empower and support collectives and communities of makers, often from different regions. By designing unique products and collaborating with artisans, social enterprises create opportunities for these makers to showcase their skills and traditions. Amazon Handmade recognizes and embraces the social impact of these organizations, offering them a platform to connect with a global customer base.

Amazon Handmade Seller Fee Structure

The fee structure for selling on Amazon Handmade is designed to be transparent and straightforward for artisans.

The key components include a referral fee of 15% on each sale, which is calculated based on the total price paid by the customer. Unlike other selling plans on Amazon, there is no monthly subscription fee specifically for Handmade sellers.

Additionally, there are no listing fees or hidden charges, ensuring that artisans can list and sell their products without incurring any upfront or unexpected costs.

This transparent fee structure allows artisans to focus on their craft and maximize their earnings on the Amazon Handmade platform.

What are the perks of joining Amazon Handmade?

Let’s explore the perks awaiting artisans who choose to become part of the Amazon Handmade community.

  1. Quality Check: Amazon Handmade upholds high standards by implementing an application and audit process dedicated to handcrafted goods. This commitment ensures that the platform is filled with authentic and genuine handmade products, establishing trust and credibility among customers.
  2. Fee Waivers: Upon approval and subscribing to a Professional Selling Plan, Handmade sellers enjoy the valuable benefit of having the monthly Professional Selling Plan fee waived. This cost-saving advantage allows artisans to invest more in their craft and business growth.
  3. No Listing or Transaction Fees: Joining Amazon Handmade and setting up your shop doesn’t come with any upfront costs. Listing your products and conducting transactions on the platform won’t incur any additional charges. This fee-free approach allows sellers to focus on their creations and maximize their profits.
  4. Lower Referral Fees: By enabling a Professional selling plan, Handmade sellers become eligible for lower referral fees on each item sold through the platform. This provides a competitive advantage and allows artisans to retain a larger portion of their earnings.
  5. Custom Profile: Amazon Handmade offers a dedicated custom profile for artisans to showcase their unique products to customers. This personalized touch enhances the shopping experience, highlighting the craftsmanship and individuality of each handmade item.

Final Thoughts

In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, Amazon Handmade has carved a niche for artisans seeking global recognition. Selling handmade products online remains a rewarding pursuit in 2023, as consumers yearn for unique and personalized creations.

By understanding the secrets behind Amazon Handmade’s success, you can unlock the path to triumph in the digital realm.

Read the full blog post here to learn more about Amazon Handmade.



Jeniffer Alexander

Content writer at SellerApp. She writes about eCommerce and Amazon for sellers to help them sell their products.