What is Amazon ACoS and How to Calculate It?

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4 min readOct 3, 2023

ACoS stands for Advertising Cost of Sales, and it’s a metric that measures the efficiency of your advertising campaigns on Amazon.

In simple terms, it tells you how much money you’ve spent on advertising for every dollar you’ve earned from those ads. The formula is straightforward:

ACoS = (Ad Spend / Ad Revenue) x 100%

For example, if you spend $10 on ads and generate $50 in revenue, your ACoS is 20%.

Factors Influencing ACoS

Several factors can affect your ACoS, and understanding these factors is crucial for managing your advertising campaigns effectively.

Factor #1: Your Product

The quality, price, demand, and competition of your product significantly influence your ACoS.

Unique, high-quality products in high demand often result in low ACoS because customers are willing to pay a premium without much persuasion. Conversely, generic, low-quality products in a saturated market may require more advertising spend to stand out.

Factor #2: Your Keywords

Selecting the right keywords for your ads is essential for reaching the right audience and maintaining a low ACoS. Broad, high-competition keywords may lead to a higher ACoS, while specific, low-competition long-tail keywords can result in a lower ACoS.

Factor #3: Your Bids

Your bidding strategy plays a significant role in determining your ACoS.

Overbidding on underperforming campaigns can lead to high costs and low-profit margins, driving up your ACoS.

Conversely, in high-performing campaigns, even lower bids can yield better results, reducing your ACoS.

Understanding ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend)

ROAS measures how much revenue you generate for every dollar spent on Amazon ads. The formula for ROAS is:

ROAS = (Ad Attributed Sales / Ad Revenue) x 100%

ROAS and ACoS both assess the effectiveness and profitability of your ad campaigns. ACoS focuses on costs, while ROAS emphasizes returns.

Finding Your Break-even ACoS

The break-even ACoS is the point where your advertising costs equal your profit margin, meaning you’re not losing money on your ads.

For example, if your product selling price is $200, and the total costs (including manufacturing, shipping, and Amazon fees) are $150 per unit, then your product margin is 25%. Therefore, your break-even ACoS is also 25%.

As long as your ACoS stays below this threshold, your Amazon ad campaigns remain profitable.

Setting Your Target ACoS

Your target ACoS goes beyond breaking even; it aims to achieve a specific profit margin after accounting for advertising costs. The formula for target ACoS is:

Target ACoS = Profit Margin Before Advertising — Target Profit Margin After Advertising

Your target ACoS may be higher or lower than your break-even ACoS, depending on your business goals.

If you’re launching a new product, you might accept a higher ACoS to gain visibility and market share.

Established products should aim for a lower target ACoS to maximize profit margins and ROAS.

No Universal ACoS

There’s no one-size-fits-all ACoS for any business.

The ideal ACoS varies based on your profit margin, industry, and specific circumstances. However, as a general guideline, a low ACoS is usually considered better. The specific goal of your advertising campaign determines the ideal ACoS.

Different Goals, Different ACoS

  • Goal: Generate Brand Awareness — If you’re in the early stages of your business, aim for a break-even ACoS. This maximizes impressions without incurring losses.
  • Goal: Product Launch — For new products, consider going beyond break-even ACoS to boost sales, reviews, and product visibility. Initial losses can lead to long-term gains.
  • Goal: Advertising Profit — If your aim is a specific profit margin, calculate your target ACoS and work towards achieving it. However, remember that ACoS only considers revenue from Amazon PPC ads and may not reflect overall business profitability.

Understanding Total ACoS (TACoS)

Total ACoS, or TACoS, takes a holistic approach to understanding the overall profitability fo a business by understanding both organic and ad-attributed sales. The formula for TACoS is:

TACoS = Ad Spend / Total Sales (Ad Sales + Organic Sales) x 100

TACoS is valuable for:

  • Analyzing business profitability after advertising.
  • Identifying profitable products.
  • Evaluating the overall dependency on ads.


Managing your Amazon ACoS effectively is essential for a successful advertising campaign. By understanding the factors influencing ACoS, you can optimize your advertising strategy to achieve your specific business goals.

Do you want to learn more about strategies to reduce your ACoS and improve your Amazon advertising campaigns?

Read the complete Amazon ACoS guide to dive deeper into these essential concepts.

