Do you Know Amazon’s Easy Ship Charges ?

When your Account goes live, you are ready to sell products.

When he gets orders from the Buyer, the Seller has to deliver the products to the buyer through shipping. Here is where Amazon shipping charges come in.

Amazon charges you Shipping rates based on three zones

1. Local

2. Regional

3. National

Shipping charges differ from Local to Regional to National in Amazon

Local Rate will be applicable where the pick up and delivery happens within the same city

If the Weight of Product is 500 grams then local charges be 30 if it is more than 500 grams additionally they charge 30 ie,(30+30), When your product weight is 5 kg charges will be 80 for additional 1kg is 9 then(80+9),for 12kg 200 addtional 1kg 200+2.50

Regional Zone consists of four regions.This fee will apply if shipment moves within the same region and service not within the same city

Region -1 (Changigarh, Delhi, Haryana,Himachal Pradhesh ,Jammu&Kashmir, Punjab,Rajasthan,Uttarapradesh,Uttarakhand)

Region-2 (Chattisgarh,Dadar,Nagar ,Diu and Daman Goa,Gujarat,MadhyaPradhesh,Maharasta)

Region-3 (Andaman Nicobar,AndhraPradhesh,Karnataka,Kerala,Pondicherry, Tamilnadu,Telangana,Lakshadweep)

Region-4( ArunachalPradhesh, Assam,Bihar,Jharkand,Manipur,Meghalya,Mizoram,Nagaland, Odisha,Sikkim, Tripura,West Bengal

If the Weight of the Product is 500grams then the regional charges 45 more than 500grams additional charges will be 35 ie,(45+35),for

5 kg of your Product 130 additional 1kg 11(130+11) 12 kg 300 additonal 1kg (300+5)

National Fee will apply if Shipment moves across regions

500grams is 60 more than 500grams (60+45)

5kg is 180 additional 1kg 13(180+13)

12kg is 300 additional 1kg 5 (300+5)

*Item from categories such as Large Appliances, TV, Sports & Furniture are classified as ‘Heavy & Bulky’ items if it meets one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Item package weight is more than 30 kg or item package length is more than 240 cm or item package girth# is more than 400 cm; or
  2. Item requires special handling during pickup, delivery & installation.
    #Girth = (Length + 2*(Width + Height))

‘Heavy & Bulky’ items are currently not eligible for delivery nationally under Easy Ship.

By Using the Amazon Easy Ship calulator you can calulate your shipping charges

Now you can know about shipping settings,

If you want to add the shipping charges for your products just open your seller central click on the settings you will get shipping settings

When you click on shipping settings. You will see the below page.

Select the regional & service levels you support, by this you agree for the mentioned service levels.

After that, click on continue option then you will get set shipping rates page

Note: Rate component should always mention per item

Then click on the confirm button

Now your shipping charges are updated for all your listings.

