Do you know what is Buy-Box In Amazon?


Let me tell you what is Buy Box and how it works.

Buy Box is one of the key feature on Amazon. There are so many sellers who are trying to sell the same product.It is important to you as a seller that you make more sales bypassing other sellers. Among many sellers selling same product only one will get to chance to come on top of the search and when you open it there is a Buy Now Option.

And you might have noticed that below Buy now button there are other offers for the same product from other sellers. They lost the Buy Box chance.

Now you see how important that you get Buy Box, no one bothers to check how is that selling same product. Buyer just want the item. whom so evers product is coming under Buy Box will get the sale. !!!

Winning the Buy-Box based on the Performance

Let me tell you how ,

You can observe from above picture .Pshopee seller is the Buy-Box winner because he met performance based requirments.

Reviews &Ratings: Review Ratings given by the customer to the sellers .Ratings are depends upon orderfullfillment without any delay

Responding to Buyers questions: Every seller has to respond to the buyer question. Customer satisfaction is the key to success,main advantage of the Pshopee seller responded to buyer’s questions

On-time Delivery:Seller has clearly mentioned the estimated timings of delivery of produt so that it will not create any problem to the customer

Price :Price is very low .It is afforable price to the customer

Coming to Antarmana Buy -Box loser because sellers has not met performance based requirements

Review&Ratings: Antarmana has don’t have review ratings

Price: Price is very high when compared to the other sellers

On-time Delivery:Seller has not mentioned any timings of delivery so that it will create problem to the seller.Although he is a new it 3 momths time to win Buy-Box when he meets performance based requirments There is no additional fee for being Buy-Box.Eligible seller must maintain the performance based requirement in order to retain the buy box.

How to win Buy -Box in Amazon

Outstanding Customer Exprience is the best way to achieve the buy box

Listing:Your Product must be listed correctly.Have your products title description condition and item categorty correct.Mostly importantly your ASIN must match to the item your selling

Pricing :Pricing competitively .Customer trust that they will find low price on Amazon.You should carefull while keeping the price watch your competitive to stay competitive

Availability: Keep Stock available if you have no current stock for the product you cannot win the the Buy-Box use best way of inventory planning to keep your popular products in stock

Update the inventory .Customer who submit order for your products they are not in stock likely to leave neagtive feedback.Plan your vacation if your going for vaction make sure that customer are not waiting for order to arrive

Customer service: Quickly responding to the customers is an indication of good customer service.It shows that you care about how satisfied your Customers are with you.It also make you a good seller to work with especially when dealing with Refunds,Returns exchange

Delivery Speed and Shipping Method: Offering quickly delivery and then actually shipping on time is very important Amazon keep track how well you do this

