How Can You Assign Free shipping Charges for SKU’s in Amazon

Let me tell you how !

In the below example you can see 60 delivery charges vs free delivery

With Delivery Charges
Free Delivery

This process is quite simple and it can only be done through shipping override process. Shipping override File is similar to the Inventory File you can use the Same Procedure to Enter the Data save the File and Uploaded to the Seller Central

How Can You Do,That? It is Easy,

Override allowed to Account level Settings For an Individual Product SKU.Override Shipping Template is used for Heavy, Over sized, Unsually shipped items.

There are 3 ways to Override your Account shipping Level Settings.

1. Exclusive Setting:

Which Replaces Current Account level Shipping charges with completly New shipping For One SKU.

2. Additive Settings:

This adds An Extra charge for Current level Shipping Charges for one SKU

3. Restrictive Setting:

Which is Applies to the Specific Localities Service Combination for One SKU

Shipping Override can be applied for SKU in the account wish you to charge you can reduce the charge or increase the charge for SKU for Reducing the shipping Charge You can go to the Standard Default Shipping Rates

Changing the Shipping Rate is similar to the Flat-File Template, in the both cases you have to download the template file, add the details and upload the file .You can download Shipping Override Template from the Seller Central help pages.

You have to download the excel file from the help by typing “override template”.

After Downloading the Override File. Open the File

You Can see the Instructions are given as How to prepare your Shipping Override Template. There are four sheets available in the excel sheet.

Data Definition File provides information to fill the Template

Shipping Override Template which you have to fill and upload.There are different columns fill the details .First is SKU number is nothing but information to identify the Individual product each prodcut must have one SKU. Second column asks for currency. In the Currency you have to fill the INR. Third column Shipping option For SKU. The Shipping value to be picked from the drop down of valid value sheet.

After entering shipping option for SKU next amount is required. Next column asks for type of Charge, Either Exclusive, Additive and Restrictive.You have to select “Exclusive” to change the Shipping Charges to Zero. Finally you need to select UpdateDelete column with “Update” and then save the sheet. You need to save as this file in “Text Format ( Tab delemited)

Go to Inventory Tab and select Add product via Upload

Select type of the file to Upload

Choose the file to upload.

Then Choose the File from your Computer Then Upload the File With the override shipping Settings. Wait for the file to upload, check for any errors. Once the file is successfully uploaded do QC by check the deliver charges for the selected SKU’s.

I hope this article has helped you all to override the shipping charges on amazon.

