
I know it is the painful part of selling on line !!


Now its simple to get Reimbursements from Amazon. Let me tell you how.If your products get damaged during shipping or transit or storage, then you can Claim Reimbursement from Amazon.

Do you Know Full Form of SAFE-T Policy?

Seller Assurance For E-commerce Transctions

How SAFE-T Policy is Helpful For Seller?

This policy is Useful for the Sellers to Claim Reimbursement from Amazon For loss incurred due to the Buyer or Easy Ship related issues in accordance with Program Polices.This Feature is available for Easy Ship order recieved by the Sellers.

In What Cases Seller Can get Reimbursement From Amazon?

This is very important for Sellers to know about it. Click here to read more about it.

By opening the Amazon Easy Ship Return and Refund Polices to know in which case you can raise Safe-T claim to get Reimbursement from Amazon.

1. In Case of Item Damaged by the Amazon Transportation.

When that item returned to the Seller, Amazon will take care of it. It will Refund the amount to the Seller. For example, if a product’s price is 1000 rupees, seller will get the reimbursement of 45% for Value of the Order.

2. Item Damaged by Buyer.

When the seller received a damaged item from from the buyer, Amazon will pay a reimbursement of 45% of the order value. In order to get the Amount from Amazon, seller has to get refund through Safe-T Claim.

3. Outer Package/Damaged Product

If the Seller received the returned product with a damaged outer packing yet the product itself is not damaged, seller will not get any Reimbursements.

4. Item lost By Amazon

If the item is lost by Amazon, seller is liable to get 100% reimbursement from Amazon.

5. Different Product/ Empty Box Received In Return

If the Seller receives a different product or an empty box from the buyer, seller can get 100% reimbursement from the Amazon

6. How to File New Safety Claim

You Can Easily File New Safe - T Claim By following the Few Steps

Go to the Seller Central

Go to Orders Then click on the Manage Safe-T calims

Click on the File New SAFE -T claim

And Provide the Order ID Details click on Next

Select the new SAFE-T claim click on Next

Fill the reason For Filling the New SAFE-T claim

In this way you can get refund reimbursement from the Amazon.

Seller can get refund amount within 7 days

