Why I stay late at my job

and why I love to.

Waseq Shaaz
SellerGyan | Boost your e-commerce sales
2 min readOct 25, 2017


It’s 8.30 in the evening and I am still sitting on my workstation, staring at the computer screen and working, yes working.

I never thought that a serial procrastinator like me could work for hours and like it, love it even. I never, for once, expected myself to stick here for a month.

But still, here I am, doing what I should be doing. Maybe not at my best but at least at my own pace.

Being in a startup is cool

Start ups give you that liberty, something you will never find, if you are working for a well established company, no matter how cool your boss is.

When I joined SellerGyan I was good-for-nothing, just graduated and lost. I took up the job as a content writer because there was nothing else I would do. I was at least stubborn about it.

But only after joining here I realized the liberty I had with regard to the work I was doing. I was hooked. I had heard about corporate culture, the pressures and the deadlines but this was something else entirely and I was enjoying it.

Working closely with your boss

Another good thing about startups is that you get to work closely with your boss and that could teach you loads. But the best thing I learnt from my boss is the dedication to work. She is so obsessed with her company, and she should be. That’s the only way it works out.

And she is always so confident in the team that it makes you wonder if you are good enough, if you deserve the appreciation.

“But the thing is when your bosses put enough trust in you, you are motivated to work harder, better”

Now, there is no stopping me.

I keep punching those keys and putting words on those empty google docs, something I had been unable to do for a long time. It feels good, like taking birth again, anew, afresh.

Looking forward to better days and you, yes you, hang on because there are some pretty stories coming your way.

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Stay hooked if you like office stories because we have loads of them to tell.

