Creator Spotlight: Jørgen Grotdal

Maris Dagis
Sellfy Creator Spotlight
3 min readOct 1, 2014

Today we are happy to have as our guest Jørgen Grotdal, a passionate logo & typography designer. As so many of us, he enjoys everything related to vintage and typography. A peculiar detail about Jorgen is that he has a huge passion for a good looking piece of wood. :)

Jørgen Grotdal

Why did you decide to open your shop?

I built my shop because a lot of people were asking me about my handmade typography, so I decided to make a font with my handtype.

How do you promote your products? Any tips you could share with our readers?

I promote myself and my products mainly on Instagram and Twitter. As for the tips..

Don’t give up just because you don’t get the likes and followers you want. It’s not always that easy to grow in the beginning. I experienced that myself.

Make a solid effort to connect with your audience and good things will happen to you.

How have you built your audience and online presence?

All of my online audience basically comes from my Behance account, where I have over 500.000 project views.

Quite honestly I don’t know how it happened.

I uploaded one project everyday for some time and just had that one project that blew up and that was the beginning. I took advantage of that and never looked back.

What’s the best feedback you received about your products?

A lot of people share pictures of my fonts in use. This is the best possible feedback I could expect!

Someone actually using something I have created, there’s a great sense of accomplishment in that.

What are some of your favourite places online, where you get insight or inspiration for your work?

Following a lot of creative boards on Pinterest really inspires me. Here are a few links to my favorite boards: - -

Also I live in Norway, so I gather a lot of vintage typography from old buildings.

I always take photos of typography I find, then I try to re-create some of it and add something from my style into it.

This way this vintage typography can continue to live on in my own fonts.

barn door font

What advice would you give to someone just starting out on a journey like yours?

Try to create your own style and identity. Start with something very particular, master it and then move on to next element.

If you perfect one single element and use it in all your works, people will remember you for it.

P.S. Make sure to check out Jørgen Grotdal’s sellfy shop, he has some special prices this week.

