Selling 101 — Why Passion For Clients Is Lost & What To Do About It

Simon Hästö
Selling 101
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2014


Does selling just feel weird to do..? Like, you go in and everything changes about the relationship between you and “clients”. As if you’re not the same person who so often feels such a huge desire to help people just like this person; who dreams about making your living off of it, and couldn’t imagine a better way of life. And you even know you have what it takes; you’ve helped people do those things before and done successfully, for other people, precisely what this person needs from you.

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Yet, in this position — face to face with someone you would do everything to help— you don’t feel any of that; you feel nothing of that desire to help and, on top, you feel complete unable to do anything. What you do feel, on the other hand, is confusion, stress and fear; confusion over why you don’t feel capable, even though you are, stress over “making the sale” and fear that you’re not enough to make it happen (and in this situation, “make it happen” is exclusively tied to “making the sale”; whereas, in all other situations, that definitely isn’t the sole or even the main focus).

So, what the hell do we do…? We start from the beginning. Drop everything, forget our current — subconsciously imposed — goals, and just don’t do anything. When you’re heading in the wrong direction, you might as well stop because movement can only take you away from what you want.

In the coming article, we’re going to go into specifically how to stop yourself, to really reset yourself, your emotions, and — therefore — your chance of monetary and spiritual success in this situation.

If you liked this, please share it with your friends; so many of us burn to help people, but we just aren’t able, so if you think there’s a shred of a chance that may be the case for people who are friends with you on facebook, make sure to share it. Thank you for reading, and click on to the next article so we can meet again! ☺



Simon Hästö
Selling 101

Founded Honest Conversation Copywriting, copy go-to guy for various industry thought leaders. FB: