Best 8 platforms for NFTs sale

Andrew Kass
Published in
13 min readJul 24, 2023
Navigating NFT Marketplaces: Choosing the Best Platform to sell your collection

The world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has taken the digital landscape by storm, offering creators and artists unprecedented opportunities to showcase and monetize their unique digital assets. As an NFT project owner, you’ve invested time and effort into creating a collection that resonates with your audience. Now, it’s time to choose the right marketplace to launch and sell your NFTs to a thriving community of collectors and enthusiasts. In this guide, we will explore some of the most popular NFT marketplaces available today, including OpenSea, Rarible, SuperRare, Foundation, Nifty Gateway, Axie Marketplace, Mintable NFT Marketplace, and Theta Drop. We will delve into the unique characteristics, pros, and cons of each marketplace, providing valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. We will also provide a non-crypto alternative to monetize your work. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and understanding necessary to select the perfect marketplace that aligns with your goals, artistic vision, and target audience. So, let’s dive in and discover the ideal platform to launch your NFT project and set you on the path to success in the exciting world of NFTs.

1. OpenSea ☆☆☆☆☆



Are you an NFT project owner looking for a vibrant and expansive marketplace to showcase and sell your unique NFT collection? Look no further than OpenSea, one of the largest and most renowned NFT marketplaces in the industry. With a massive user base and high trading volume, OpenSea provides unparalleled exposure for your NFTs. Whether you’re offering digital collectibles, artworks, or virtual goods, OpenSea offers a wide range of categories and customizable options to suit your needs. Their seamless integration with Ethereum wallets ensures a smooth and secure transaction experience for both you and your buyers. Additionally, OpenSea allows you to set your own pricing, with options for auctions and fixed-price listings, giving you control over your NFT sales. While there may be competition due to the platform’s popularity, OpenSea’s vast reach and comprehensive features make it an excellent choice for NFT project owners looking to maximize visibility and potential sales.

Key Features:

Seamless integration with Ethereum wallets. Auction and fixed-price listings. Bundles and collections. Royalties for creators.


▻ Huge user base and high trading volume, providing increased exposure for sellers.

▻ Wide range of categories and options for creators, including the ability to create custom NFTs easily.


▻ High gas fees on the Ethereum network can make transactions costly.

▻ Increased competition due to the large number of users and listings.

Good For Selling:

NFTs, including crypto art, game items, and exclusive digital collectibles. Sellers can upload images, videos, audio or even 3D models to make your NFT (see below). We currently support JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, MP4, WEBM, MP3, WAV, OGG, GLB, and GLTF files.


2.5% transaction fee on all secondary sales. If a listing is created on OpenSea Pro and the collection does not use an on-chain enforcement method, the minimum creator earnings will be 0.5%


OpenSea is a well-established marketplace with a large user base, making it an attractive platform for selling NFTs. It offers extensive features and customization options, but sellers should be mindful of the associated fees.

2. Rarible ☆☆☆☆☆



Are you an artist seeking a platform that prioritizes your rights and empowers you to create, sell, and profit from your NFTs? Look no further than Rarible. As a decentralized marketplace, Rarible is dedicated to providing creators like you with full control over your intellectual property rights and the ability to set your own terms. With its user-friendly interface, even beginners can easily mint and list their NFTs. Showcase your unique artworks or digital creations and reach a community that values authenticity. Rarible offers auction and fixed-price listings, giving you the freedom to choose the selling method that suits you best. Engage with the vibrant Rarible community, participate in community governance, and collaborate with other creators. While Rarible’s smaller user base compared to larger marketplaces may result in less immediate exposure, the platform’s focus on empowering creators and fostering a supportive ecosystem makes it an ideal choice for artists looking to build a dedicated fanbase and maintain control over their digital assets. Join Rarible today and unlock the full potential of your creative journey in the world of NFTs.

Key Features:

NFT minting and customization tools. Auctions and fixed-price listings. Community governance and involvement in platform development. Rarible supports Ethereum, Tezos, Polygon, Solana, and Immutable X;


▻ Focus on empowering creators by allowing them to maintain intellectual property rights and set their own terms.

▻ User-friendly interface for minting and listing NFTs, even for beginners.


▻ Relatively smaller user base compared to larger marketplaces, which may result in less exposure.

▻ Limited options for buyer and seller protection.

Good For Selling:

PNG, GIF, WEBP, MP4, or MP3 files.


Rarible charges a 1% fee for transactions for both seller and buyer. This was 2.5% until recently


Rarible offers a decentralized approach to NFTs, prioritizing creator rights and customization. It provides an easy-to-use interface for minting and selling, but sellers should be aware of the potentially limited exposure compared to larger platforms.

3. SuperRare ☆☆☆



As an artist, you deserve a platform that celebrates and showcases your exceptional digital artworks to a discerning audience. Look no further than SuperRare. With its curated selection of high-quality digital art, SuperRare offers a prestigious marketplace where collectors and enthusiasts can discover and collect authentic pieces. The platform’s emphasis on scarcity and limited editions adds value and exclusivity to your creations, attracting art connoisseurs seeking unique and rare NFTs. Join the SuperRare community and connect with like-minded artists and collectors who appreciate the beauty and significance of digital art. While the strict curation process may result in some artists being excluded from the platform, it ensures that only the finest creations are presented to the discerning audience. With features such as auctions, direct purchases, and royalties on secondary sales, SuperRare offers you the opportunity to monetize your talent and gain recognition in the digital art world. Unleash your creativity on SuperRare and captivate the hearts and minds of art enthusiasts worldwide.

Key Features:

Curated selection of artists and artworks. Auction and direct purchase options. Royalties for creators on secondary sales.


▻ Curated selection of high-quality artworks, appealing to collectors and art enthusiasts.

▻ Focus on scarcity and limited editions, increasing the potential value of listed NFTs.


▻ Strict curation process may result in some artists being excluded from the platform.

▻ Limited options for customization compared to other marketplaces.

Good For Selling:

Thumbnails can be PNG, JPEG, or GIF, and up to 10MB, MP4 files: H.264 or X.264 codec (not H.265, HVEC, MPEG-4, or WEBM);


On the primary sale of any artwork, also known as a “mint sale” (the sale directly from the artist themselves after minting the artwork), the artist gets 85% of the sale price, and SuperRare takes the remaining 15% as a commission fee. Any sale following a mint sale is considered a secondary sale.


SuperRare is a platform for artists and collectors who value exclusivity and high-quality digital art. While the curation process may limit access for some creators, it offers potential value appreciation for listed NFTs.

4. Foundation ☆☆☆



Are you an artist searching for an exclusive and supportive community to showcase and sell your digital art and collectibles? Foundation is the platform for you. Built on the principles of collaboration and community engagement, Foundation offers an invite-only marketplace that brings together a curated selection of exceptional artists and collectors. As a creator, you’ll have the opportunity to join a tight-knit community of passionate individuals who appreciate and support your work. Showcase your digital art, designs, and other creative forms to an audience that values authenticity and craftsmanship. Foundation’s focus on supporting artists is evident through features like creator grants and collaborations, enabling you to explore new possibilities and reach new heights in your artistic journey. While the invitation-only system may initially present a hurdle, it ensures a level of exclusivity and quality within the platform. Join Foundation today, become part of an esteemed community, and forge valuable connections that can propel your artistic career forward in the vibrant world of NFTs.

Key Features:

Curated community of artists and collectors.


▻ Curated community of artists and collectors, creating a tight-knit and supportive environment.

▻ Strong focus on community engagement and collaboration, with features like creator grants and collaborations.


▻ Exclusive nature of the platform may limit access for some creators.

▻ Invite-only system can make it difficult for new artists to join initially.

Good For Selling:

A platform has a file size upload limit of 50MB, and we currently support JPG, GIF, PNG, SVG, MP4 + MOV files


5% for all sales on the primary and secondary market. For Drops, it’s 15% for all sales on the primary market. Secondary sales on the Foundation marketplace have a 5% fee, which is the same for all NFTs on Foundation.


Foundation offers an exclusive community and supportive ecosystem for artists and collectors. While the invitation requirement may be a hurdle, it provides opportunities for collaboration and community engagement.

5. Nifty Gateway ☆☆☆☆



Are you an artist or collector seeking an exceptional marketplace to explore and trade limited edition digital art and collectibles? Look no further than Nifty Gateway. With its exclusive drops and releases from renowned artists, brands, and influencers, Nifty Gateway offers an unparalleled opportunity to acquire unique and highly sought-after NFTs. As a creator, you can collaborate with well-known artists and brands, gaining exposure and recognition for your work. Nifty Gateway’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for both experienced collectors and newcomers to navigate the world of digital art and collectibles. Explore a curated selection of limited edition releases, participate in auctions, and engage with a passionate community of art enthusiasts. While limited availability may make acquiring certain releases challenging, the platform’s focus on offering exclusive collaborations ensures the value and desirability of the NFTs. Join Nifty Gateway today, become part of a vibrant marketplace, and immerse yourself in the excitement of collecting and trading digital art like never before.

Key Features:

Limited edition drops and releases. Auctions and direct sales. Nifty Gateway Wallet for seamless transactions.


▻ Exclusive drops and collaborations with renowned artists and brands, creating unique and highly sought-after NFTs.

▻ User-friendly interface for buying and selling NFTs, appealing to both experienced collectors and newcomers.


▻ Limited availability of certain releases may make it challenging for collectors to acquire desired NFTs.

▻ Higher transaction fees compared to some other platforms.

Good For Selling:

Digital art, music, sports memorabilia and more. Every NFT image should be below 300MB, same for videos. Banners and thumbnails should have max size of 20 MB.


Simple 10% and no longer includes a fixed per transaction fee.


Nifty Gateway offers a curated selection of limited edition digital art and collectibles, often featuring collaborations with well-known artists and brands. It provides an accessible platform for both collectors and artists, although some releases may be difficult to acquire.

6. Axie Marketplace ☆☆☆☆



Attention game enthusiasts and NFT creators! Get ready to dive into the world of Axie Infinity with Axie Marketplace. This official marketplace provides a unique platform for buying, selling, and trading Axies, the adorable digital pets that capture the hearts of players worldwide. As a creator, you can mint and sell your Axies, offering players the opportunity to acquire these valuable in-game assets. The thriving Axie community and strong demand for these digital pets create a vibrant ecosystem where you can profit from your creations. Embrace the play-to-earn model as players participate in the game, breed and battle Axies, and seek to build powerful teams. Axie Marketplace allows you to tap into this exciting trend and contribute to the ever-growing world of NFT gaming. While limited to the Axie Infinity ecosystem, this niche marketplace offers unparalleled opportunities for both creators and collectors within the gaming and esports community. Join Axie Marketplace today and embark on a rewarding journey in the realm of digital pets and gaming NFTs.

Key Features:

Buy, sell, and trade Axies. Auction and direct sales. Rarity and breeding mechanics.


▻ Thriving community and strong demand for Axies, creating opportunities for players to profit from their in-game assets.

▻ Play-to-earn model, where players can generate income by participating in the game and selling valuable Axies.


▻ Limited to the Axie Infinity ecosystem, which may not appeal to those outside the game’s player base.

▻ The value of Axies and their market can be volatile, subject to fluctuations and trends.

Good For Selling:

Ethereum blockchain. As every pet, axies can be of certain types like Beast, Aquatic, Plant, Bug, Bird, Reptile, Mech, Dawn and Dust.


5.25%, and it’s paid by the seller. There’s no fee for buyers. Of that fee amount, 4.25% is sent to the Community Treasury, and 1% is shared with the NFT’s creator if there’s a creator code. If there’s no creator code, then the Community Treasury receives the full 5.25%.


Axie Marketplace is a unique NFT marketplace that caters specifically to the Axie Infinity game community. It offers players the opportunity to profit from their in-game assets and participate in the growing play-to-earn trend.

7. Mintable NFT Marketplace ☆☆☆☆



Calling all NFT creators! Mintable NFT Marketplace is your go-to platform for easily minting, selling, and managing your unique digital collectibles. With its user-friendly interface and streamlined minting process, Mintable makes it a breeze for creators of all experience levels to bring their NFT collections to life. Showcase your art, digital creations, or collectibles on this accessible marketplace and reach a wide audience of buyers and collectors. Mintable supports multiple blockchains, offering flexibility and convenience for both creators and buyers. Choose from various selling options, including auctions, fixed-price listings, and offers, allowing you to tailor your selling strategy to your preferences. While Mintable may have a smaller user base compared to more established marketplaces, its focus on simplicity and ease of use makes it an attractive platform for creators seeking to enter the NFT space. Join Mintable NFT Marketplace today, unleash your creativity, and embark on a seamless journey to monetize your digital assets.

Key Features:

Simple NFT minting process. Multiple blockchain support (Ethereum, Polygon, etc.). Auctions, fixed-price listings, and offers.


▻ User-friendly interface and straightforward minting process, making it accessible for creators of all levels of experience.

▻ Support for multiple blockchains, providing flexibility for creators and buyers.


▻ Smaller user base compared to more established marketplaces, which may affect visibility and exposure.

▻ Limited curation and discovery features, making it important for creators to market their own NFTs.

Good For Selling:

Any image file format, MPEG-4 video file or GLB file, you can also add bonus content in any file format of up to 3GB, as a downloadable file.


Mintable charges 2.5% on normal NFTs and 10% for printable NFTs. This is in line with many NFT marketplaces


Mintable offers an easy-to-use platform for creators to mint and sell NFTs. It provides flexibility with support for multiple blockchains, but creators should be prepared to actively promote their NFTs for better visibility.

8. SellPal ☆☆



If you’re an NFT creator seeking to explore new avenues for monetizing your digital art, consider SellPal as a fiat alternative. Although it’s not connected to any blockchain, this platform presents a unique opportunity to expand your sales to non-blockchain buyers. SellPal caters to the creative community, including designers, freelancers, artists, and software developers, making it a versatile choice for various digital entrepreneurs.

Key Features:

SellPal offers extensive storage solutions and safe transaction methods, ensuring a seamless selling experience. With a 5GB cap on individual files, you can showcase your digital assets in high-quality formats.


▻ One of the most appealing aspects of SellPal is its zero cost to use, making it an attractive option for creators on a budget;

▻ The hassle-free integration with Stripe enables smooth payment processing.


▻ The platform is not connected to any blockchain and is not a crypto market player;

▻ SellPal lacks a dedicated display storefront and may not be suitable for more complex digital offerings beyond simple art assets.

Good For Selling:

Artwork, Images, GIFs, Photos, videos, Music, design-centric assets;


No trial periods or premium plans.


SellPal offers a promising solution for creators seeking a straightforward monetization method. If you want to expand your artwork’s reach to non-blockchain buyers or reside in a Stripe-supported country, SellPal could become your next significant earning channel.

Each platform has its own strengths, features, and target audience, making the selection process crucial for maximizing your NFT’s exposure and potential profits.

Consider factors such as user base, community engagement, curation process, user-friendliness, available features, and niche specialization.

And launch to the moon your NFT projects!



Andrew Kass
Editor for

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