SellOn Reward Token: SPT

Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2022
3D image of SPT

What is SPT?

SELLON POINT(SPT) is the main reward token within SellOn that encourages users to engage in various forms of in-app activities to keep the community up and running. Such activities include writing posts or comments and participating in secondhand/group purchase-based transactions.

If you have not read about the reward system that SellOn updated recently, please click here to learn more.

All SPT that users collected can be reviewed in SELO+ Wallet in My section of SellOn app. Click here to learn more about SELO+ Wallet.

How to collect SPT?

You learned about whole benefits and concepts of SELO+ Reward System and SPT. Then you might wonder how to acquire them.

SPT can be collected in following actions:

List of Activities for SPT
  1. Upload an item or make an offer in Secondhand Marketplace
  2. Upload, like or share a post in Community Feed
  3. Check-in daily
  4. Sign up or invite friends to SellOn

Please aware that some of actions may have daily limits for SPT collection.
More activities will be added to the list soon.

How to use SPT?

If you know the way to acquire SPT or already collected enough of SPT then where can you spend all those collected SPT?

Users can visit Prize section in SELO+ Wallet and exchange change SPT to certain prizes. To learn more about prizes, please click here.

Be Part of Your Local

Now that you know about SPT, click below links to experience SELO+ Reward System and to collect SPT for yourself!

Link to Website | Android | iOS

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