How to Embed Social Media Feeds on Your Website & Why

Social media plays a big role in everybody’s lives. Presently over 3.5 billion people use the internet to access social media. So utilizing social media to your advantage can work wonders for your brand.

You have the opportunity to reach such a massive user count. Also, you don’t need a huge investment for using social media marketing, instead, an investment of some time and effort. You have the ability to gain new followers and higher sales with minimalistic investment.

All you have to do is create an attractive and engaging social media feed and embed it into your website.

What is social media feed?

Social media feed is the location where you upload the content you want people to see. Every social media platform has a different feed but we can integrate all of them with social media aggregators.

Social media aggregators are tools that help you collect data from different social media platforms and display at one location. They collect content through hashtags and account handles. They allow you to design, curate and analyze your wall. This way you can easily utilize social media for your brand’s marketing.

Using social media feed as a marketing tool is quite a strategic move on a brand’s part. If used correctly, it can help your brand upgrade their game in the market in a very short time.

Reasons you should embed your social media feed on your website:

  1. Embedding social media feed on website is the best way to encourage user engagement. When people see that they can feature in your feed by just posting a picture or video with your hashtag or tagging your account, they would definitely want to be a part of it. They will be acting like the marketers or models for your brand. By doing this, they will feel more connected to the brand.
  2. This connection they feel produces belongingness for the brand. They turn into more loyal and involved users of your brand. These loyal customers can be very helpful when it comes to user-generated content and marketing of your brand. They might also help you with mouth publicity by recommending your brand to their friends and family.
  3. Embedding social media feed on your website can help you maintain transparency with your users resulting in heightened brand trust. It is not necessary that all the posts you receive will be positive, there can be posts that are negative also. Displaying these posts on your website can act as a solid transparency initiative.
  4. As I mentioned in the previous point, people might send in negative comments or suggestions for your brand. This way you get a scope for improving those aspects of your brand. If you think that you can improve those aspects to enhance your consumer experience, it is a win-win. Your users will be happy to see brands prioritizing masses and you will get higher sales.
  5. You also have the ability to use the same social media feed for events or seminars as well. You can go ahead and showcase your social wall on digitally powered display screens. The tools give you this ability along with the many other features they provide.
  6. You have an opportunity to make announcements or host polls in a unique and engaging manner for your users. It can end up to be a very interactive and distinctive way of attracting your users as well as conveying important messages.
  7. A good marketing technique can help you build your brand value in a way it never was. It is the ideal solution to your marketing problems. All the above-mentioned points combined can immensely help you. Prioritizing your users can never go bad anyway.

Ways to embed social media feed on your website

Following are some of the best tools to help you embed your social media feed on your website:

#1 Taggbox

Taggbox is a social media aggregator tool that fetches content from multiple social media platforms at one location. This content is pulled in with the help of particular hashtags or accounts that you choose. You can then create a social wall and embed it on your website.

Taggbox provides you with different features to customize, curate and analyze your social wall such as:

  • Personalize Panel for designing and customizing the look of your wall according to your wish.
  • There are innumerous themes, styles, fonts to choose from.
  • Moderation Panel to choose the posts you want to show on your wall.
  • Analytics to generate reports for the performance of your social wall and analyzing it.
  • Once you set up your wall, all you have to do is generate an embed code and paste it to your website’s code.

#2 Miappi

Miappi is also a social media aggregator tool that collects content from different social media platforms and creates a social wall.

This tool also provides you with the features to curate, display and measure your wall.

You can easily customize your wall to match your website or your brand theme. This tool also emphasizes a lot on the use of UGC in marketing. It believes that UGC is the future of selling and I can not deny that at all.

#3 Flow-Flow Social Stream

#4 Snap Widget

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Richa Pathak —Digital Marketing Influencer
SEM Updates

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