Building an Elasticsearch Learning to Rank Plugin for Semantic Scholar

Derick Anderson
Semantic Scholar
Published in
6 min readJun 30, 2017

Semantic Scholar is an academic search engine for scientists, which means that relevance and ranking are core components of the site. We use Elasticsearch to power our search experience, and for a long time we relied on a handcrafted query that did a reasonable job with our initial corpus of computer science papers.

As we scaled up, though, we realized we needed more than what Elasticsearch can provide out of the box — it doesn’t provide support for expressing complicated models, or for an easy model training workflow. We therefore built a plugin to extend that default functionality to include a more normalized machine learning environment, i.e. evaluating arbitrary models on features from feature templates and featurizing training datasets for training without a cluster.

The Problem

If we look at an official ES guide to improving search relevance we can see what is available out of the box. Most of what is available centers around two things: matching multiple fields (title, abstract), and matching in multiple ways (phrase, bigram). These are ways to get different numerical features describing the document and its match with the query. That’s great — we want all the information we can get.

A problem arises when we have all this information though. How do we take in different features and combine them into a final score? The essential Elasticsearch technique is to write your query as a tree with similar features grouped together. This allows you to attempt to tune your query by coming up with better combinations of subtrees or transformations on subtree scores (e.x. exponentiation).

That is fine as far as it goes — but it does not go as far as we would like. That is, we cannot write the arbitrary models we want. We can write custom scoring scripts, but they get only one _score value - they cannot see how much of the score came from title and how much came from abstract. Without visibility into individual feature values it is not clear how to express something like a decision tree. Furthermore, even if a script could see multiple values it is not clear how to train a model with this setup.

The Solution — a plugin!

The high level goal of our plugin is to enable a normalized learning to rank workflow with Elasticsearch at the core. We implement a Lucene Query that iterates over documents that match a query, and captures the values of low-level features from matching the query to the document. The features are collected and can be sent to an arbitrary scoring function to compute the final document score, or sent over the wire for use by an offline system.

Instead of writing a plugin to provide a modified Query, we could have written a service to take a large sample (say 1000 documents) from a basic Elasticsearch query and rank the documents again. This would have been nice because it would not have complicated our Elasticsearch deployment and we could calculate even the most expensive of features. With the plugin we have to redeploy whenever we make changes, and features that are evaluated on many documents need to be cheap. On the other hand, we believed that the plugin would be the more performant final solution given cheap features, and its integration into Elasticsearch meant the overall system architecture would be simpler. Ultimately we decided in favor of the plugin model because of the conceptual simplicity and its composability with reranking in the worst case.

Feature templates

Features templates are specifications for the features to calculate and pass to a model. Features are implemented by wrapping and capturing the results of normal Lucene queries and scripts. This made sense for us because it allows the use of the wealth of preexisting functionality without a lot of implementation cost.

An example of a feature:

The above will return one value: the score on the match between the query and the keyPhrases field in a document.

Normal queries make use of something called the Lucene Practical Scoring Function which incorporates several lower-level features (such as TF and DF). We also implement a featurization wrapper that extracts some of those lower-level inputs and then reports them as features that the model can learn its own scoring function on.

The above will return 4 values: the score, the number of matching terms, and the sums of those terms’ TF and DF.

We access numeric fields with simple call outs to scripts:

Arbitrary scoring functions

With features collected into vectors we can write our ranker as a function that takes an array of floats and returns a single float (the score for the document). To decide on actual implementation we considered a few factors. Firstly, we were using RankLib’s implementation of several models. Secondly, we needed as much runtime performance as possible for production. Lastly, we also wanted to be able to reload models for rapid experimentation without restarting the cluster.

To meet the competing demands of production and rapid experimentation we implemented two ways of providing models. The first is just calling out serialized RankLib models by filename — the models are loaded and fed data in the RankLib format. Calling out filenames met the rapid experimentation use case because we can scp models onto the cluster without restarting or recompiling anything.

RankLib normally evaluates models sort of as an interpreter — it has the model parameters in a data structure and traverses the data structure. In order to improve the performance of evaluating models in production we compiled RankLib regression trees to Java code. We distribute these in the plugin binary and then call them out by classname.

Calling to a compiled model:

A snippet from the included compiled model:

Scraping and storing offline

The point of the plugin is to enable a normal machine learning workflow so it needs to support training (without a cluster running) on the same data as available at runtime. To enable this we add a REST endpoint to the Elasticsearch cluster that takes a query with document IDs specified and returns a map from the document ID to the document’s feature vector. Thus the cluster is needed to turn (document ID, query, label) triples into (feature vector, query, label) triples but not to learn the (feature vector) -> score model.


One potential issue is that by default the feature and model based query is purely disjunctive — if any feature fires for a document it would run the whole model on it. The first step was to do something we already did in our baseline — to filter out documents that didn’t contain some match for all mandatory terms in the query. The second was to tightly tune the implementation of featurization and model evaluation to be as performant as possible.

Tuning the performance of featurization was actually quite difficult. This difficulty was connected with difficulty experienced in writing the featurization code in the first place — the web of Lucene contracts and possible Elasticsearch calling patterns meant it was easy to experience hard to debug problems. The solution was to faithfully adhere to the contracts of the Lucene components touched on and to implement all of the optional functionality available.

After the performance work was finished the new ranker performed with limited degradation against the baseline (load tests against the Semantic Scholar search endpoint measured 10% increase in latency at p99). We were happy to avoid making any difficult decisions about changing our retrieval model to included reranking or tightening our filter.


The development of the plugin and a set of offline training tools creates a powerful learning to rank environment based on Elasticsearch. The primary benefit of the plugin, and other relevance work that will be discussed in future posts, is the ability to train rankers easily. This includes ranker optimized for different query or corpus distributions. We retrained recently with the introduction of many new medical papers to Semantic Scholar, and will continue to adapt our ranking as we expand Semantic Scholar.

Thanks for reading, and hope you found this helpful.

