How to Have More Productive Projects Using Agile and Git

fernanda rodríguez
Published in
6 min readJul 30, 2021

We present a series of 6 steps to integrate some useful tools like Kanban and Git and have more productive projects.

Photo by Leon on Unsplash

In this post you will find:

  • An introduction to collaborative project issues,
  • What is Agile and a Repository are,
  • How Kanban & Git Work, and
  • A series of 6 steps to have more productive projects.

Collaborative Projects

When we work on projects of any size that involve the collaboration of multiple developers it is vitally important to ensure the project’s success:

  1. Having the control to plan what will be built,
  2. Coordinating tasks with the team and
  3. Being able to deliver.

Teamwork methodologies like Agile and workflows like Gitflow for repositories are useful tools in scenarios where we need to interact with more contributors.


Agile was set in motion in Europe in the 1970s and it was finally formalized in a manifesto in 2001. Agile entailed a shift from predictive waterfall models to adaptive models, adding value frequently, iteratively, and incrementally.

Today, Agile is considered a working philosophy expressed with a series of methods, practices, and techniques. It has a positive impact on different types of improvements such as productivity and time management.

Some of the best-known methods under the Agile umbrella are Scrum and Kanban.

Some methods, practices, and techniques Agile
Some Agile methods, practices, and techniques.


You’ve likely only heard about Kanban boards, which are an incredibly useful tool because these boards help visualize and manage the workflow with cards that move around the board, and their simplicity is their greatest strength.

A Kanban board is generally divided into three columns: to do, doing, and done. Some of its advantages are:

  • Better visualization tasks,
  • Shows what is being worked on at a glance,
  • Allows the list of tasks to be put in order, and
  • Simple and intuitive to organize and manage the progress of tasks and activities.
Basic Kanban board.

Some tools we can adapt these Kanban boards to are Trello, Planner, Jira, MeisterTask, Asana, or KanbanFlow.


Repository or Version Control is a data structure that stores metadata for a set of files or directory structure.

There are two types of repositories:


Git is a distributed version control system, created by Linus Torvalds in 2005. Git is practical, simple, fast, efficient, free, and open source.

Branching management

There are different methodologies to manage the branches in a repository, such as, single-branch or multi-branch.

Here, we will use per-feature-branching for repository management, which is inspired by GitFlow, a branching model for Git created by Vincent Driessen.

Gitflow defines a strict branching model designed around the project release, but in this example, we’re going to focus on a more basic branching version, performed in 6 steps (This will be described below in How Kanban & Git Works).

How Kanban & Git Works

Below we present a series of 6 steps to integrate Kanban and Git and have more productive projects.

Our Kanban board will be divided into five columns: backlog, to do, doing, review, and done.

The goal is to work in parallel between the Kanban board and the git repository.

1. Tasks in the ‘backlog’ column — Develop and Main branches

To get started, in the Kanban board:

  • backlog: List of tasks defined in the project to be developed.

In parallel, in the local/server repository we have two main branches:

  • main : Contains already tested code, working version, no errors, clean code. It is usually convenient to tag all commits with a version number.
  • develop : Interaction flow will occur before merging to main. It should always have the most current version because it will be the basis for the next features.

main and develop should be usually blocked for direct commits.

Step 1: Kanban + Git by fernanda rodríguez
Step 1: Kanban + Git. Tasks in the ‘backlog’ column — Develop and Main branches by fernanda rodríguez.

2. Task in the ‘to do’ column — Creating a feature branch

Then, in the Kanban board:

  • to do: A backlog task is assigned to a team member. This task is moved to the to do column.

In parallel, in the local repository we create a new branch:

  • feature : For each task in to do, a feature branch is created.

feature branches are created off to the latest develop branch, and feature branches should never interact directly with main.

Step 2. Kanban + Git. Tasks in the ‘to do’ column — Creating a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.
Step 2. Kanban + Git. Task in the ‘to do’ column — Creating a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.

3. Task in the ‘doing’ column — Working on a feature branch

Next, in the Kanban board:

  • doing: The task assigned to the team member is moved to the doing column. The team member solves the task.

In parallel, in the local repository:

  • feature : On this new feature branch the development of the task is implemented.

When a task is complete in the feature branch, it gets pushed to the server.

Step 3. Kanban + Git. Task in the ‘doing’ column — Working on a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.

4. Task in the ‘review’ column — Review a feature branch

Later, in the Kanban board:

  • review: The task finished by the team member is moved to the review column. Other team member reviews/evaluates the task.

In parallel, in the server repository:

  • feature : When a task was completed and pushed to the server, the team member creates a new Merge Request or Pull Request for review.

For this review, your project can implement some tools with specific purposes to check your codes and automate those processes.

Step 4. Kanban + Git. Tasks in the ‘review’ column — Review a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.
Step 4. Kanban + Git. Task in the ‘review’ column — Review a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.

5. Task in the ‘review’ column — Approve a feature branch

After, in the Kanban board:

  • review: The reviewer finishes evaluating the task.

In parallel, in the server repository:

If the assignment is not approved, the reviewer may request some changes or improvements.

Step 5. Kanban + Git. Tasks in the ‘review’ column — Approve a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.
Step 5. Kanban + Git. Task in the ‘review’ column — Approve a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.

6. Task in the ‘done’ column — Merge and finishing a feature branch

Finally, in the Kanban board:

  • done: The task is finished.

In parallel, in the local/server repository:

  • develop : When a task is approved in Merge/Pull Request, the feature branch gets merged into develop.

The feature branch is deleted after merged.

Step 6. Kanban + Git. Task in the ‘done’ column — Merge and finishing a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.
Step 6. Kanban + Git. Task in the ‘done’ column — Merge and finishing a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.


How Kanban & Git Work — 6 steps:

Step 1: Kanban + Git by fernanda rodríguez
Step 2. Kanban + Git. Tasks in the ‘to do’ column — Creating a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.
Step 4. Kanban + Git. Tasks in the ‘review’ column — Review a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.
Step 5. Kanban + Git. Tasks in the ‘review’ column — Approve a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.
Step 6. Kanban + Git. Task in the ‘done’ column — Merge and finishing a feature branch by fernanda rodríguez.
How Kanban & Git Work — 6 steps by fernanda rodríguez.

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fernanda rodríguez

hi, i’m maría fernanda rodríguez r. multimedia engineer. data scientist. front-end dev. phd candidate: augmented reality + machine learning.