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3 Reasons Why Men Over 32 Should Practice Semen Retention

Trouble in paradise

3 min readOct 18, 2023


“Daddy! Daddy!”

Thirteen-year-old Daphne tried to warn Daddy when he arrived home from his deployment. But it was too late.

U.S. Navy Seal David Diaz is no stranger to the sounds of war. But the thirty-five-year-old soldier is in for a lifetime surprise.

Immediately after entering his two-story home, sounds of bouncing bodies vibrate the walls and violently rattle the floors.

Meanwhile, Sarah’s secret lover, Mike, begins to panic as a curious David storms up the stairs.

Could the rumors be true? Is this decorated soldier really the “Angel of Death?”

Unfortunately for home-wrecking Mike, he’s about to find out.

After squeezing a squeaking knob and jiggling a locked door, the two-hundred-twenty-pound beast breaks into the bedroom.

Image created by the author in Lexica

Now was the moment of truth.

Would the reaper add Mike’s soul to his cherished collection? Or would the Hulk lose his green in the presence of his daughter?

Fortunately for Mike, David chose the latter.

1. A shattered reality may force you to rebuild

David’s divorce was a Goliath; constantly brewing his brain with stress, laying siege on his soul, and separating him from his daughter.

When thirty-five-year-old David returned from deployment he discovered the truth:

His brick home was only a house of cards.

This is the unfortunate reality of many men. When they least expect it, the big bad wolf blows their life into pieces.

This leaves you with two options:

  • renovate your life and remodel with old pieces
  • rebuild your life from scratch

While it’s tempting to sob in sorrow after hitting rock bottom, a down man must be revived, get up, and rebuild.

The average man gets married by thirty-two and most divorces happen between one and two years of marriage.

(Which lands divorce papers in male hands at thirty-two years old.)

Whether it’s a divorce, losing a job, or a random catastrophe around the corner, men are often forced to rebuild. And unfortunately, I was no exception.

Losing my long-time job was followed by the pain of losing my previous partner. I knew I was in for a battle but I was willing to “go out swinging.”

It was time to pick up the hammer, grab a bucket of hope, and begin to nail away.

Rebuilding my life required:

  • energy
  • courage
  • aggressiveness
  • creativity

But fortunately, retaining provided:

  • more energy
  • increased courage
  • aggressive nature
  • increased creative powers

Rebuilding was challenging. And although semen retention wasn’t the remedy to my problems, its benefits made significant contributions to my ability to rebuild.

If you’re rebuilding, be sure to pack semen retention in your toolbox.

2. Preventing embarrassment: erectile dysfunction

She wanted a weenie roast. But her erotic desires weren’t enough to evict the elephant in the room:

my erectile dysfunction.

With temperatures rising and juices boiling, I failed to get it up. This was over six years ago (pre-semen retention) but I still remember the embarrassment.

Unfortunately, approximately 30% of men in their 30s suffer erectile dysfunction.

This can lead to frustration, men hating their bodies, and intolerable embarrassment.

Guys, if you‘re unable to raise the beast, treat your willie to semen retention before the next weenie roast.

After three weeks of retaining, you shouldn’t have a problem releasing the Kraken.

3. Reproduction has a cost

Reproduction has a cost.

Ejaculation is reproduction’s ritual. Sperm is a life-creating ingredient.

Following ejaculation, Spermatogenesis occurs as the body attempts to reproduce the sperm.

“..ceaseless sperm production takes its toll on a male..”

The Times

Book a call with Larenzo today.

Larenzo is the author of “The First Day” and “Relapse Proof.

