3 Years of Semen Retention | Over 1,000 Days of Celibacy. My Story

A semen retention success story

3 min readJan 1, 2024


Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash

I couldn’t believe it.. Without warning, reality came to a drastic halt.

Doors slammed, tires screamed, and tears fell on the day my relationship came to an epic end.

Image created in Lexica by author

However, it was the unexpected death of a four-year romance, that birthed this wonderful three-year streak.

Here’s how it happened..

Within the dimensions of my apartment walls, I began to hear the loud whispers of retention.

  • Energetic surplus
  • Mile-high confidence
  • Sufficient strength boost

Were these actual facts? Or only mere allegations made by online creeps?

It was time to find out..

So, without hesitation, I got to work..

  • 9 days: no ejaculation
  • 15 days: no ejaculation

And on the twenty-first day, fueled by foreign energy, retentive benefits were on the verge of being exposed.

I was en route to meet my “future” inlaws (birthday part). And upon arrival..

Incomprehensible energy remained at my disposal as I made my introductions.

  • The confidence..
  • The energy..

It was all there.

Winning foreign hearts wasn’t a bad W for an anti-social introvert.

But hours later, the precious benefits accompanied by the retentive path took a sudden exit..

Image created in Lexica.Art by author

After a much anticipated four-second orgasm and excessive binging, my new friends (confidence, energy, social ability) began to vacate as my physical became “out of order.”

On the 21st day I was fully convinced knew semen retention was real. But after reasling, anything but retaining sounded irrational.

Then, it happened..

I was on a roll.

Repeatedly clocking streak,

  • After streak..
  • After streak..

But something happened that I didn’t expect. I was unaware of the 3 B’s of semen retention.

So, I suffered the consequences.

Eventually, my new, retentive self, became incompatible with my partner.

And with the relationship out of the way I took the challenge, and was on a path of improvement.

Without hesitation, straight out the gate..

I jumped right into semen retention.

Image created in Lexica.art by author

And fortunately, I’ve been retaining since that day.

I failed to retain hundreds of times. But the moment retention was required, it became my reality.

Over 1,220 days ago I decided to go all out. To retain no matter what.. Despite the difficulty.

Today is day 1,224.

During this magnificent journey, I did unimaginable things and had unbelievable experiences (to be revealed at a later date).

Sharing with my community is a reward. But for this in the commune, this is a reminder. Wherever you are, just keep going.

Stay brothers..

My Semen Retention Newsletter includes the following:

Email 1: Your Dick is a Suicide Stick

Email 2: Why Poundtown is a Terrorist Nation

Email 3: The Dangers of Playing Peek-a-boo With Porn

