🥊After Boxing Lessons, I Fought The School Bully. And I Won

3 min readNov 7, 2022


Here’s how it went

Fighting the school bully after boxing lessons
image created by the author in Jasper Art

Another day went by that I didn’t stand up for myself.

But I had enough.

It was time for the bully and me to fight. But I had a surprise for him: an amateur boxer was training me to fight: my grandpa.


That was the impact of my grandpa’s right jab hitting me in the face. Twelve-year-old Larenzo was out-sized and out-skilled. Gramps and I were sparring and I lost every match until the day he died.

But the skills he passed on to me would give me a much-needed victory in my youth.

I was smart, nerdy, and quiet. The combination of the three made me a target of the school bully the following week. He was bigger than everyone else.

But this didn’t intimidate me, because for the previous 2 weeks I sparred with my six foot three grandpa. So through my eyes, the school bully was a minor opponent who was destined to suffer a major defeat.

He was angry that day and tossed every boy on the basketball court one by one. No one else dared to retaliate. He grabbed me by the shirt and began to spin me in circles, which was easy for him because I was the smallest guy in class.

