The Man No One Missed and the Seducer on Foot | Semen Retention Anecdote

2 min readFeb 20, 2024
Image created by author in lexica art

Yes, it happened again..

Domestic screams, cast from the victim’s mouth, vibrated the floors and traveled through the perimeter of apartment walls.

If a verbally abusive tongue is a sickness, the heartless Steve has a chronic version of it. And quite frankly, Francesca’s fuckin’ tired of it.

Steve’s every word is an insult and each facial expression packs the visuals of extreme disgust.

Sarah and Tammy told her to leave and to abandon the lousy slimeball but she couldn’t do it. For years, Steve blitzed Fran’s ears with excessive darts of doubt and heavy doses of discouragement.

However, there was one man, constantly roaming work-place hallways and ready to remedy Francesca’s frustrations:


If Steve was the man no one missed, then Seth was the seducer on foot. A consistent source of pleasure, a relief from home-life pain, and a shot at brief adventure.

Yes, Sarah was married. But Seth doesn’t play fair and starts an affair with the heavy-hearted Francesca.


The post above is written in extremities and isn’t intended to justify secret affairs; nor is intended to do anything with women. (was only an example)

However, it was brought to my attention, that many retainers live in isolated worlds, and have damaged relationships with the faces they encounter on a daily basis..

Steve was the man no one missed. Yet Seth was the seducer on foot.

We all know the man/women that no one missed. Their presence isn’t craved.. They cling to negative energy and are on ongoing missions to bring you down.

However, when encountering the man/woman no one missed, one must become the seducer on foot.

Seth worked on the hearts of his environment, constantly fulfilling unfulfilled desires, and providing the damaged with everything they were missing.

However, I’m advising something different. As a “seducer on foot,” take steps inward and subject yourself to a self-seduction; the most powerful, incredibly epic seduction known to man.

One must seduce oneself into states of higher frequency and beliefs of higher quality.

Having an ounce of courage and increasing your confidence with dramatically increase your ability to not only walk away from these situations, but to dominate them.

To change things in your favor.. 360 degree turns..

Otherwise, move on. Get out of there man.

As retainers have high standards.. You deserve better..

-Semen Retention Guy

Book a discovery call to see if you qualify for coaching.

My Semen Retention Newsletter includes the following:

Email 1: Your Dick is a Suicide Stick

Email 2: Why Poundtown is a Terrorist Nation

Email 3: The Dangers of Playing Peek-a-boo With Porn

