Why College Players Should Get Paid 2

Jaidon Bowers
Semester 1 project
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2018

College players dedicate a lot of their time to be able to practice and play for the college they go to. Even though some of them get scholarships, they still don’t have the money they need for anything. Division 1 football players commit about 43.3 hours per week for practice. That is more hours per week than a lot of jobs. And also they have

Players often have to miss class to make it on time to their out of state games. Really good college players don’t have to worry about their grades as much as much as the bench players do because they have a really good chance to make it to the NBA. The bench players need the education that is offered to them so that they can have a secondary plan for what they want to do after college.

Also, the amount of revenue some colleges make is more than the National Hockey League. The colleges should be able to pay the players some of that money. There salary doesn’t have to be 1 million dollars unless the player is really that good. The school can keep some of the money to update the schools facilities and stuff like that.

A lot of these players are used for advertisement of the school. Everybody knows that some good college players do get paid, but not with real money. The coaches slide in a Rolex watch, or a new car to them to “pay” them for playing for their program.

