Attendance, Leave, and Virtual Office Policy 2024

Achal Shah
McKinley & Rice
Published in
8 min readDec 28, 2023

Version 12.0 [Effective 1st Jan 2024]

McKinley Rice Attendance, Leave and Virtual Office Policy 2024


  1. Attendance
  2. Leaves
  3. Unpaid Leaves (Leaves without pay)

1. Attendance

Policy Statement

All McKinley Rice community members are required to be regular and punctual every day at work. The members will record their daily attendance (TIME IN and TIME OUT) on SumHR. This policy applies to all community members irrespective of their Employer/job status within the community. The regional McKinley Community Head will ensure that the leave record of the preceding month is appropriately scrutinized to process the payroll.

Policy Description

The community has resumed Work From Office (WFO) operations at all its community centres across India. The community members would be mandated to be in the office for 2–5 days each week depending upon their Employer within the McKinley Rice Community. The remaining days each week would be considered approved Work From Home (WFH) for the members.

The Employer-specific schedule and hence the roster would be prepared and shared with the community members by Community HR after due consultation from the Company Leads (CLs) for the respective Employers. Once finalized and circulated, the members would be mandated to follow the roster by the hook.

Any departure from the roster for whatever reason would have to be pre-approved by the CL and be informed to the Community HR Head. The CLs and the Community Operations department members would be well within their rights to ask a community member to come to the office to compensate for the days lost due to non-adherence with the roster. Any non-compliance would be met with immediate consequences.

Lunches and scheduled breaks cannot be eliminated from the daily project schedule to reduce the number of hours in the workday.


Community Members are responsible for ensuring that:

  • The Punch In time is accurate and adheres to the pre-approved project Core time. Reasonable liberty may be granted by the Community HR or the CL/PL under unavoidable circumstances.
  • The record complies with the rules outlined in these procedures by Community HR. Approval has been obtained for any absences or additional hours worked.
  • Every community member irrespective of the employer he/she may be working with would be mandated to complete their 45 hours per week in the office within the ambit of project time. Any continuous and significant deviation may lead to reductions in salary as deemed fit by the Employer or the Mckinley Community.
  • It is mandatory to mark attendance on SumHR during the start and end of the day. Any miss over this would be considered a policy violation & the person would be marked late or absent too. Members can also raise a “regularization / clock-in request” on SumHR depending upon the nature of the missing punch. It will be the responsibility of the member to get their attendance regularized by the 25th of every month else the member will be marked late or absent which will lead to loss of pay.

2. Leaves

Policy Statement

All Community members are required to be present in the offices on their designated days. But we believe that some inevitable factors may force a member to avail of the benefit of leaves. Mckinley Rice Community also encourages its members to avail themselves of the leaves on an annual basis instead of availing them habitually.

All leave requests must be applied in consultation with the Global Management Consultants (GMCs) and be first approved by the Employer to be finally actioned upon by McKinley Community HR Head. Once approved, the leave must be requested through SumHR for the CLs to approve it and Community HR to keep proper track. No leave will be accepted if the community member fails to inform the client at least 48 hours beforehand or if the Employer denies acceptance for a suitable reason.

Policy Description

a) There are mainly two types of leaves i.e. Paid Leaves and Unpaid Leaves:

1. Paid Leave:

All community members will be entitled to 20 days of leave per annum. These are categorized as Earned Leaves (EL), Care Leaves (CL), and Sick Leaves (SL).

  1. Earned Leaves (EL): Each member is entitled to a minimum of 1 earned leave on their leave account completing one month in the organization after their date of joining. That means if a member does not take any leave in a year then the member would have 12 earned leaves in their leave account out of which a maximum of 10 leaves can be carried forward to the next year.

Interns will be entitled to get 1 earned leave on their leave account completing one month in the organization after their date of joining. If an intern does not take any leave during a month, the leave will be carried forward to the next month.

EL criteria: -

  • If a member joins before the 15th of a month then they are entitled to the EL for that month.
  • If a member joins on or after the 15th of a month then they are not entitled to the EL for the month.
  • ELs will be given during the Probation Period. However, SL and CLs would not be given.
  • Interns would also be entitled to One (1) EL/month.
  • Considering the nature of the leave, the same must be planned and should be approved using the due process at least 1 week in advance.

2. Sick Leave (SL)

Sick leave is time off from work that members can use to stay home to address their health and safety needs without losing pay. A member is entitled to 4 Sick leaves in a year based on their date of joining. Each member can avail of 1 sick leave per quarter.

Sick Leave Criteria:-

  • A member would be entitled to 0 SL in the probation period.
  • Interns would not be entitled to any SL.
  • In the case of Resignation/Termination (duration of Notice Period), members will not be able to use SLs available in their leave bank.
  • Considering the nature of the leave, the same can be availed without any prior notice.

3. Care Leave (CL)

Care leaves are leaves that are availed to take care of either your personal well-being or of older parents or children either for rearing the children or looking after their needs in situations like sickness, examination, etc. A member is entitled to a maximum of 4 care leaves in a year based on their date of joining.

Care leave criteria: -

  • A member would be entitled to 0 CL in the probation period.
  • All 4 CLs will be credited and ready to use from the day of confirmation.
  • CLs will not be allowed to club with any other leaves available in the leave bank.
  • Interns would not be entitled to any CL.
  • In the case of Resignation/Termination (duration of Notice Period), members will not be able to use CLs available in their leave bank.

Considering the nature of the leave, the same must be planned and should be approved using the due process at least 1 week in advance.


  • If a community member takes more than or equal to three sick leaves or earned leaves owing to sickness, in such a case, the member is liable to submit evidence such as a medical certificate showing that the member was entitled to take such leaves during the relevant period. Failing to do so would warrant disciplinary action.
  • In case of resignation/Termination during or after the probation period, the member is eligible to avail of only the ELs during the notice period. Also, a maximum of 10 earned leaves can be encashed in the Full and Final settlement only after the member has successfully completed one year with the community. In case of absence, the salary for the same would be deducted during the full and final settlement.

Other than the above-mentioned annual leaves, McKinley Rice Community offers the following leaves to its members:

3. A) Maternity Leave: This policy is applicable to all full-time women associates working in India who have completed working 365 days (1 year) excluding the probation period in the community from expected delivery. Mckinley Rice Community realizes that all women members should cherish the experience of the Pre-Maternity phase.

A member is entitled to up to 24 weeks of paid maternity leaves. Out of the 24 weeks of maternity leave, up to 8 weeks may be availed before & including the date of delivery and the remaining may be availed after the date of delivery OR the entire 24 weeks may be availed after the birth of the child, including the date of delivery. A woman can only apply for Maternity leaves twice during her tenure with the community.

Full-time women associates who have not completed 365 days with the community, can make use of the truncated Maternity leaves for a period of 2 weeks taken within the first month of the delivery. The clause would ONLY be applicable to women associates who have successfully completed their probation periods with the Employer.

Any employee availing above benefit must join the community back on the same remuneration without any expectation of increment in the in-hand salary for a minimum of six months. If any employee chooses to leave the organisation within six months of joining the community after availing of such a benefit must pay total remuneration equal to two months of their in-hand salary to the employer.

3. B) Paternity Leave: A male member with less than two surviving children, may be granted Paternity Leave for a period of 15 days before or up to six months from the date of delivery of the child. If paternity leave is not taken within 6 months of the birth of the child, it is treated as lapsed.

This policy is applicable to all full-time male associates working in India who have completed working 365 days (1 year) excluding the probation period in the community from expected delivery. A man can only apply for Paternity leaves twice during his tenure with the community.

Full-time male associates who have not completed working 365 days with the company, can make use of the truncated Paternity leaves for a period of 1 week taken within the first month of the delivery. The clause would ONLY be applicable to male associates who have successfully completed their probation periods with the Employer.

3. C) Miscarriage Leaves: In case of miscarriage, a woman shall, on the production of such proof as may be prescribed, be entitled to leave with wages at the rate of maternity benefit for a period of six weeks immediately following the day of her miscarriage.

Any employee availing above benefit must join the community back on the same remuneration without any expectation of increment in the in-hand salary for a minimum of three months. If any employee chooses to leave the organisation within three months of joining the community after availing of such a benefit must pay total remuneration equal to one month of their in-hand salary to the employer.

No woman shall be entitled to maternity benefits unless she has worked in the community for a period of not less than one hundred and sixty days in the twelve months immediately preceding the date of her expected delivery.

3. Unpaid Leave (Leave without Pay)

This type of leave can be availed during the probation period or when the paid leaves of a member have been exhausted. If availed, an amount of salary equivalent to the days the member had taken this type of leave will be deducted from his/her salary for that month.

Additional guidelines about Weekly WFH Days-

a) The member would be expected to be present online (slack) and no laxity with the deadlines would be considered due to the employee taking a WFH. The pre-decided deadlines would be sacrosanct and must be respected by the employees.

b) There would be no compounding of WFH over weeks.

c) The Mckinley Community would reserve the right to revoke the WFH leverage for its members if any misuse is established. The issue of revocation would not be liable to be covered under the “Policy of Grievance Redressal”.

