Bird’s Eye View on Web Components

Shubhi Dubey
McKinley & Rice
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2020

Web components are great! Approximately a year ago, I was working on two Separate Angular and React Frontend projects in a Yarn Monorepo Workspace Setup where there were a lot of components that repeated in both the projects. Hence, my team and I decided to make the common components in Web Components using Lit-Elements. Here, I compile my key learnings about Web Components to enable community learning from it.

I would be covering 3 content topics today which are as follows:

  • Web Components Introduction
  • Polymer project
  • Lit-Element


Web components are a set of standards for creating reusable HTML elements. They are also a standard included in the HTML specification, meaning they have native support. Traditional HTML doesn’t allow importing and modularizing code. Web components are neither a framework nor a library. But, you can use web components alongside all the existing JS Frameworks like ReactJS, Angular & Vue. Check this link out, if you want a great resource of pre-built and ready-to-use web components:

Web components carry little to no dependencies. The four areas of web components are:

HTML Imports

  • Chrome has a native implementation, but other browsers are looking to use Javascript ES6 modules (with a polyfill for HTML imports).
  • webcomponents.js was made to polyfill the web components
  • Polyfill is a code that implements a feature on web browsers which otherwise don’t support that feature

HTML Templates

Custom Elements

Shadow DOM- Think of it as a scoped DOM subtree inside your element

Google’s Polymer Project

  • Polymer Js is a small wrapper built on top of web components with a few extra goodies
  • It uses Javascript
  • One of the advantages of using Polymer is that it has a built-in data binding model
  • It supports all browsers using polyfills


  • LitElement makes it easy to define Web Components.
  • It uses a familiar class-based implementation.
  • You can use your components anywhere you use HTML: in your main document, a CMS, Markdown, or a framework like React or Vue.

There is a starter project PolymerLabs/start-lit-element: Hello World app for LitElement which you can go through to get an overview of it. Follow the ‘Getting Started’ available on their website

Coming to my thoughts on this topic- why exactly should you be using Web Components?

  • Many of the B2B Applications do not need a lot of Native functionalities. Progressive web applications with web components can be a perfect solution for such cases, giving them an iOS, Android and Web Application.
  • It helps in building brand consistency- Build Once & Use in All Projects.
  • Business Perspective: It saves money! Developers will have the ability to focus solely on making native reusable components, similar to legos, and use these blocks in other applications across teams.

I hope this article could ignite your interest in Web Components. If you are interested in reading more about it, please go through the following links:

Thank you!

