McKinley & Rice’s New Mission Statement for 2019–2023

An overview of where we were, where we are, and where we want to go

McKinley & Rice
McKinley & Rice
5 min readMay 31, 2018


It’s about time that McKinley & Rice revisited its mission statement.

So here I lay out the plan for McKinley & Rice as a company. This will be the blueprint for our next 5 year plan, that is, what we wish to achieve as a company between 2019 and 2023.

The main reason for this is because the nature of our company has changed very rapidly during the past year; ever since we launched our Indian operations.

As many of our initial team members were former lawyers, we started out as a tech consulting firm, where we basically acted as brokers between companies that wanted to outsource their tech needs, and companies who had skilled technical talent.

However, we’ve since expanded, and we’ve had a few successes (and also a few failures, from which we’ve heavily learnt from), and now we find ourselves doing more than just consulting, brokering, or even developing tech — we’ve arrived at the stage where we are actively deploying technology to help companies enter the global market. So we’ve become more than a simple tech brokerage agency now.

This is our current tagline:

Tech has no borders. Neither should you.

This is our current mission statement:

We help you accelerate growth by radically reducing development costs.

Although I still wholeheartedly agree that tech is the future of not only our company but also for us as a species, the direction in which we will be leveraging our company’s technological capabilities must change, as new opportunities present themselves.

And so, without further ado, I present to you McKinley & Rice’s philosophical blueprint for the next 5 years.

Introduction (Simplified Version)

McKinley & Rice pioneers border tech, in which companies tether their growth to the rise of developing countries via transparent aggregation. It is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, with divisions in the U.S. and India.

Introduction (Standard Version)

McKinley & Rice is a pioneer of border tech, in which companies tether their growth to the rise of developing countries via transparent aggregation. Our main areas of focus are overseas software development & foreign market entry services, and through technology we simplify services that were once only affordable to giant corporations, allowing us do perform at the world’s most competitive costs. Never before has it been easier for companies to cross borders.

Introduction (Cool Version)

We are pioneers of border tech, in which companies tether their growth to the rise of developing countries via transparent aggregation. We focus on overseas software development & foreign market entry services, and through technology we simplify services that were once only affordable to giant corporations, allowing us do perform at the world’s most competitive costs.

Investments earn higher returns, products reach a wider audience, and services are developed faster by seizing arbitrage opportunities across borders. We’re the peddlers of the 21st century.


Tech has no borders. Neither should you.

Mission Statement (Short Version):

We help companies cross borders and identify arbitrage opportunities, by harnessing the best of humanity and technology.

Mission Statement (Long Version):

We help companies tether their successes to the growth rate of developing countries by connecting them with arbitrage (price disparity) opportunities discovered through extensive human networks and technological analyses.

Social Impact:

We help emerging economies access capital, build infrastructure, and showcase their talent pools to the world.


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  1. We believe in the EMH (Efficient Market Hypothesis), and that the global market is becoming increasingly competitive because information is flowing faster than ever.
  2. We believe that businesses must use every resource possible in order to succeed in this increasingly competitive world. Said resources include those located on the opposite side of the world.
  3. We believe in our fellow teammates and that they possess the ability to be the best in their respective fields.


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Border Tech (Ox-Mouse Tech)

We specialize in the industry of tethering corporate growth to larger, emerging markets, as seen in the parable of ‘The Ox and the Mouse’ regarding the formation of the Chinese Zodiac.

Border Tech

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1. Definition

The industry of applying innovation to help companies cross borders more easily.

2. Assumption

The Idea of ‘Growth Tethering’: (1) If the average company in Seoul will grow at 2% annually (as per GDP growth), (2) and the average company in Delhi will grow at 7% annually (as per GDP growth), (3) the average company in Seoul can partake in the 7% growth rate if it can only cross borders with minimum transaction costs.

3. Theoretical Background

The concept of Border Tech is built upon the following 4 theories:

(1) Uppsala Internationalization Model

During internationalization, companies increase market commitment as market knowledge increases. Therefore, market knowledge and market commitment are interdependent.

(2) Business Network Theory of Social Capital

Under uncertainty, corporate reliance on business networks increases so as to access social capital.

(3) Technology and Transaction Cost Economics

Technological innovation decreases transaction costs between parties.

(4) Market Demand Creation

Market demand can be cultivated prior to the anticipation of an increase in the purchasing power of the target demographic.


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What kind of brand are we?

Keywords: Simple. Elite. Trustworthy. Creative.

Benchmark Brand: Apple

  • We are mostly B2B.
  • We are elite, in that we focus on high end businesses.
  • We are simple, in that we focus on delivering results.
  • We are creative, in that we are not afraid of change.
  • We are trendy, in that we are proactive at adapting.

Fields of Operation:

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1. Overseas Software Development

(1) Tech Outsourcing Projects

(2) Hybrid Time-charge Outsourcing Projects

(3) Developer Onsite Services

2. Foreign Market Penetration Services

(1) Capital Investments (Private Equity, Venture Capital, Real Estate etc.)

(2) Foreign Direct Investments

(a) Greenfield FDI (e.g. Constructing manufacturing facilities from scratch)

(b) Brownfield FDI (e.g. Joint ventures, acquisitions, and licensing)

(3) Exports

Method of Operation

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1. Management

We will implement a system where the process accounts for the quality, and the individual accounts for the innovation.

2. Software Development

We will hire designers, engineers, and developers with the most potential, and train them to the level of their peers in Silicon Valley.

3. Foreign Market Penetration

We will forge a network of undervalued companies and individuals who will help us discover new market opportunities, and then use innovative technology to assess the value of these opportunities.

Company Social Media Handles

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▶ Website :

▶ Blog :

▶ Instagram :

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▶ Facebook :

▶ LinkedIn :

