Introducing: McKinley & Rice Onsite Services and McKinley & Rice Investment Services

We start our expansion into other sectors under the ideological flag of ‘Border Tech’

McKinley & Rice
McKinley & Rice
2 min readFeb 10, 2019


Version 1.0 (Last edited Feb 11th, 2019)

Summary: As we build up our tech team and widen the scope of our networks in India, we take our first step in transitioning from a purely service based company to a product based company.

Under our new ideological flag of ‘Border Tech’, and a new mission statement to go with it, we head for new horizons.

Future Roadmap

We aim to be a pioneer of Border Tech, in which we help companies tether their successes to the growth of developing countries via cost reducing innovation. The ideological foundation of Border Tech is an amalgam of 4 separate business doctrines.

Border Tech

  1. The Uppsala Internationalization Model
  2. Business Network Theory
  3. Technology and Transaction Cost Economics
  4. Market Demand Creation

Introducing McKinley & Rice Onsite Services

We assist mid to large sized foreign entities (MLEs) in enlisting technological personnel in India that will directly help them with their businesses overseas. We use informal networks to identify candidate pools, and rigorously screen them using scientific evaluation tools.

Introducing McKinley & Rice Investments Services

We advise small to mid sized foreign entities (SMEs) in entering and investing in the Indian market, thus allowing them to partake in the Digital India, Make in India, and Invest India programs. We use a mixture of wide informal networks and cutting edge data analytics to make traditional foreign market entry strategies more trustworthy, more transparent and and more cost effective.

