The Company Recruitment Process Workflow Policy

Internal guidelines regarding how Human Resources should conduct recruitment campaigns

McKinley & Rice
McKinley & Rice
3 min readMar 17, 2019


Version 1.3 (Last updated 18-March-2019)

The following is our Recruitment Process, which all personnel involved in the Recruitment Process should heed.


  • Up until a Candidate is shortlisted for the HR Interview Round, all Recruitment Data should be maintained by the G Suite Team Drive Human Resources Spreadsheet.
  • After a Candidate is shortlisted for the HR Interview Round, status updates should be maintained through the Asana Candidate Tracking Project.
  • Please take care to update and format correctly both documents.

Recruits For the Development Team


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  1. The CV Screener screens applicants.
  2. The CV Screener sends to shortlisted candidates the Technical Capabilities Assessment Interview Invitation Letter, which is copied from the ‘Recruitment Progress Tracker’ G Suite Team Drive Human Resources Spreadsheet Template.
  3. Upon receiving the details, the Human Resources Team calls the Candidate to schedule an interview timeslot.
  4. The Human Resources Team sends the Schedule Confirmation Letter, which is copied from the ‘Recruitment Progress Tracker’ G Suite Team Drive Human Resources Spreadsheet Template.
  5. The Human Resources Team updates the ‘Recruitment Progress Tracker’ G Suite Team Drive Human Resources Spreadsheet.


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  1. The designated Recruitment Officer provides the Candidate with the relevant Task Document to the position he/ she applied for, which can be found attached to the internal Asana Candidate Tracking Project.
  2. The Candidate uploads his/ her work to the provided GitHub repository. The Recruitment Officer clones the submitted code to the Company’s Recruitment GitHub repository.
  3. The Recruitment Officer asks the Candidate technical questions regarding the position he/ she applied for, including the mandatory questions found within the G Suite Human Resources Spreadsheet.
  4. The Recruitment Officer rates the Candidate on a scale from 1 to 10.
  5. If the Candidate receives a passing grade, the Recruitment Officer immediately sends the HR Round Application Typeform URL to the Candidate.
  6. The Recruitment Officer updates the ‘Recruitment Progress Tracker’ G Suite Team Drive Human Resources Spreadsheet with the Candidate’s scores.


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  1. The Candidate submits the requested information through the Typeform URL.
  2. The Human Resources Team calls the Candidate to schedule the final HR Interview.
  3. The Human Resources Team updates the ‘Recruitment Progress Tracker’ G Suite Team Drive Human Resources Spreadsheet.
  4. The HR Interviewer asks the Candidate questions regarding the position he/ she applied for, including the mandatory questions found within the G Suite Human Resources Spreadsheet.
  5. The HR Interviewer rates the Candidate on a scale from 1 to 10.
  6. The HR Interviewer offers a salary package to the Candidate, considering various factors, most importantly his/her Technical Capabilities Assessment Scores and HR Round Scores.
  7. The Human Resources Team updates the status of the Candidate, and should the Candidate fail to accept the offer letter or join, includes detailed reasons regarding why this had happened. (The purpose behind such detailed is to start using AI for analyzing reasons for candidate disinterest once we establish a large internal recruitment dataset.)

Recruits For Non-Development Teams

  • Not only the Final HR Interview Round, but also the Technical Capabilities Assessment Interview Round will be conducted through the Typeform URL.
  • Thus almost the entirety of the interview process will be automated.

