Start-ups Not A Far Fetched Dream In 2020

Anushka Dahiya
McKinley & Rice
Published in
5 min readMay 18, 2020

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace especially in the domain of digital information. With this decade being at the crest of historic transformation, developing an idea into a new product or just giving out a solution is quite reachable.

Every start-up requires robust technology backing it. And, technologies are changing faster than ever. So, today if you want to envision a start-up, there is not one but multiple technologies that you should prepare for. The important aspect of development is the path taken, that is, the tech stack adopted.

The technology stack is a set of programming languages, frameworks, CMS, and tools for creating a software product.

Frameworks are made on plain languages, while CMS is made on frameworks.

A programming language is a set of instructions for a computer to perform certain actions. Large projects that have high demands for flexibility, performance, and security are written in pure languages.

Programming languages and some of their corresponding frameworks.

Programming languages and some of their corresponding frameworks

A framework is a development environment, with ready-made solutions and tools, which speeds up the development process. Every language has many different frameworks. Frameworks are used to develop large and complex projects with unique functionality. It is much faster and cheaper than to develop in plain language.

Popular CMS In Market

CMS is a ready-made solution, a constructor, which enables you to assemble a project from different parts on your own. CMS is suitable for building small projects. It allows creating a simple customized product in short terms.

Any kind of application consists of two parts: server-side and client-side, or else known as front-end and back-end.

Imagine a house…

The walls that you build with bricks is a back-end side of your application. Basically, it is the foundation for your future development. The facade of the building is the front-end side. Together combined, you have a start-up product that has enough living space for a whole megapolis.

Factors Involved in Selecting the Right Stack

Cost & Scalability: The first thing that comes to one’s mind when we hear an open-source programming language is that it is free of cost. Scalability comes from customization which is allowed to some extent in an open-source programming language by tweaking the code.


Have An Active Community: Overall, the community mirrors how good the technology is. If it is not good, then the community will be just as bad.­­­­­­­

Match Your Start-up Type & Size: This plays a key role in deciding onto a tech-stack. The technology you decide to use should align with the needs and requirements of your organization.

Most Popular Stacks In Web Development

LAMP: It allows you to deploy web app faster, it is not a scalable stack and has low performance due to the utilization of the same server resources. Its abbreviation stands for Linux (OS), Apache (server), MySQL (database), PHP, or Perl (back-end language). This web application technology stack is an appropriate option if you need to build your app quickly since it allows you to deploy web app faster. It has flexibility during selections of the database.

Python-Django: Django is good for its security features (prevention of CSRF and SQL injections), own ORM layer for handling database access, but it is slow, lacks convention, not appropriate for small websites. Python Language together with the Django framework may be used for server-side development, and web developers often use Apache, MySQL, or PostgreSQL to build web apps.

ASP.NET Core: Build hybrid, Native & Interactive Apps Core that works on any platform. You will get a better response time with high performance for your application. It’s the cross-platform, open-source successor to the proprietary .Net Framework, that primarily targets Windows.2020 is an exciting year for .Net with the release of .Net 5. Starting with that version, Framework will be considered a legacy technology, and there will only be one cross-platform framework going forward.

MEAN/MERN: This modern web stack is very popular and it is used by the developers in most cases. By the way, it is one of the best web technology stacks for an e-Commerce websites. It usually stands for MongoDB (database), Express (back-end framework), Angular/React, and Node.js (back-end platform). However, its technologies may vary, our web developers may use MySQL database instead of MongoDB, everything depends on which kind of DB is better to use for a specific project — a document-oriented or relational one

Java-Spring: Primary reasons for spring being favored would be “Java” a very powerful language, “Open Source”, “A Great Community”. Spring is a framework that helps you to “wire” different components together. It is most useful in cases where you have a lot of components and you might decide to combine them in different ways or wish to make it easy to swap out one component for another depending on different settings or environments also known as “dependency injection”

Hosting is a service that makes it possible for website owners post their website onto the Internet.

The decision often boils down to cloud hosting (in AWS EC2, Google Cloud, etc.) vs. leasing dedicated servers. Of course, the waters get muddied by service providers who offer hybrid dedicated-and-cloud options. And there are other options which I’ll pass over, like managed hosting with Heroku (it can quickly become too expensive) and server-less cloud with AWS Lambda (not a great fit for large web applications, and also harder to debug and monitor).

AWS ecosystem offers a nice suite of tools, but EC2 costs more. For example, I could easily run a full website stack (Nginx, PostgreSQL, multiple web processes) on one decent dedicated server with SSD for ~$120/mo. Compare this to an AWS environment with: an on-demand PostgreSQL instance on a db.m4.large image with 100GB SDD, 2 m4.large web servers, storage, one elastic IP, and elastic load balancing; which comes to ~$350/mo (and this doesn’t include capacity for staging and monitoring).

Once The Product/Service Is Done With Its Initial Phase, Its Time To Look Into Some Helpful 3rd Party Services.

  1. Slack: Collaboration, notifications (free)
  2. GitLab: Hosting code, issue tracking, documentation (free)
  3. S3: Backups, sharing large files (< $10/mo)
  4. Stripe: Payments (per-transaction fee)
  5. MailGun and Gmail/SendGrid: Customer and alert emails (both free)

This finishes our tour of the set of services available in the tech world for a StartUp dream to come to a reality.

Thank you for sticking with us *Ciao!*



Anushka Dahiya
McKinley & Rice

Marketing member of a tech-startup ‘McKinley & Rice’ that is trying to break Slumdog Millionaire’s stereotype of India.