Research Apprenticeship Learning Experience in Class COM 520 “Seminar in Media Studies”

Muhammad Iqbal
Seminar on Copaganda
4 min readDec 6, 2022

The most interesting aspect which I gain from this project as a researcher is the knowledge of media literacy and how to train the people to be able to understand and applied this skill and creating the new knowledge based on their media creation and interpretation for educational purposes without bias; furthermore, collaborative team using both offline meeting to discuss and functioning a technology to work effectively in google docs, Trello, and signal chat has given me a new knowledge to stay on productive collaboration 24 hours without barrier. Working as a researcher can be less stressful when it comes together with a team. Everybody has their own initiative based on their interest and skills to solve the puzzle from the raw materials and provides their work on the collaborative document. Using the internet of things for collaboration, research teams are crucially essential to construct public knowledge for the world and to continuously engage in knowledge production for a better world based on science.

This project has increased my knowledge on media literacy and inspired me to conduct research with experimental design research. I think it is challenging to do this kind of research because the people who were trained in this project are law enforcement officers. It takes communication skills to conduct this project and research for the police because mainly police are the highly trained people for law enforcement. I think I have learnt many aspects from this research apprenticeship such as media literacy which I have talked about as well as public engagement in science. During this time of multi-platform and information access where everybody can claim that they know something, it is essential to design an effective public engagement in science where it takes more effort to understand the audience and what they really want from the science and the training. Even though my focus now is on the environment but from this class and research apprenticeship makes me able to intertwine all the communication skills in media literacy to environmental focus. It is interesting to know that all the science all connected and there is no separation.

This project opens my eyes on how to engage with the audience effectively and guide them to be literate in media. Key questions in media literacy is a very powerful tool to enter the subconscious level of the trainee and makes them able to be aware of media messages. I also learned from this project to improve the skill of the trainees to be able to create new knowledge. This is a very beneficial part of this project because can transform the beginner who knows nothing about the media to be a participant of spreading the media literacy skill. I think media literacy skill must be trained into the global audience and not just a police officer because the access of the information is tremendously fast and without having media literacy skill, general public audience might be misled and triggered by the active emotion which video could possibly create.

Collaboration with peers gains a lot of social connectedness and the sense of teamwork. With technology such as the internet, its website and mobile apps, research collaboration seems more fun and follows the beat of time. Currently, utilizing technology can gain a lot of benefits and save more time with a good result. I learn a lot of how important it is to initiate by myself to contribute in the research based on the skill that I have. Google docs is a simple cloud-based writing sheet which enables researcher together and write a project. All the features are easy to understand, people leave the trace and comments as well as seeking for another pairs of eyes to check their writing contribution. Trello is one of the amazing websites which I know from this class to set an organization of to-do list for my work. I can utilize this benefit for my next project and research. I think utilize Trello can make researcher aware and productive by separating the work into chunk.

To construct public knowledge for the world indeed could not do it just one person. A research team is essential to form a public knowledge for the world. I think the internet can do this work and perform the team and work remotely. People nowadays can gather information from the internet by article published in google scholar and doing the literature review on the field they like and willing to contribute as well as doing a research collaboration with another researcher. Indeed, doing research can be taught because people do that while doing some other work, especially the non-fulltime researcher. Research must be fun and honest to help construct public knowledge for the world.

The idea of open source of knowledge and open research collaboration are captivating to support and to get involved in due to the world problem becoming more complex each day. It is required to form a global research team to support public knowledge and to expand it according to the spirit of the era. Time is changing so that knowledge. By having a global interconnected research team people can stay on top of the shoulder of the giant of knowledge and keep solving the problem whatsoever it might be. With a global research team working on special issues, it will be less stressful, and all the world problems seem just a tiny problem because we have many heads to solve it. Using a lot of people from many part of this earth might benefit for the ideas discussion and imagination of solution because history repeat itself and sometime one problem which occurs in some part of the world already experienced by another part of the world and we know the solution. As the well-known proverb says “sharing is caring” so that the research must be shared and collaborated without limit because knowledge is limitless, and the world problem might never end.

