Speaking Truth to Technology: Creating Better Stories Together, in Three Acts.

Isaac Lidsky
Senary Ventures Blog
1 min readJul 27, 2020

By Isaac Lidsky

Republic: (1) a body of persons freely engaged in a specified activity; (2) a union in which supreme power resides in the citizens.


Something is rotten in the state of Digital Media. We are ailing. The symptoms are severe, the prognosis dire. In the balance lay discourse, democracy, our decency, our duty to our children, and…

Read the full text of Draft v5.1 here (.pdf), written January 19, 2019.



Isaac Lidsky
Senary Ventures Blog

Author of #EyesWideOpen (Avail. March 2017), #TEDTalk Speaker, Entrepreneur, Father of Triplets (+1), Champion Napper.