Dear House GOP: That’s not how you “drain the swamp”…

Claire McCaskill
Senator Claire McCaskill
1 min readNov 16, 2016


Just days after President-elect Trump won on the idea of “draining the swamp,” House Republicans met secretly to try and bring back taxpayer-funded earmarks.

These pork-barrel projects that politicians used to use to shore-up support during re-election efforts are exactly the kind of nonsense Americans are mad about.

That’s why I have always fought tooth and nail against earmarks in Congress —because taxpayer dollars shouldn’t be doled out to politicians’ pet projects instead of in a competitive merit-based process — and why I raised a ruckus today over this deceptive and sneaky move.

The thing about banning congressional earmarks is it’s not a partisan issue. I was in good conservative company today, with outrage coming from my friends, Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain, as well as former Senator Jim DeMint and the Heritage Foundation.

And the public outrage paid off. Hours after the House GOP’s secret meeting, Speaker Ryan appears to have pulled the plug.

This doesn’t look much like ‘draining the swamp.’ Every Republican in the U.S. House should have to answer for why they thought this was a good idea in the first place.



Claire McCaskill
Senator Claire McCaskill

A 4th generation Missourian who represents MO in the U.S. Senate. I’m a Democrat, but also a moderate, who irritates folks of both parties with some regularity.