FACT: I want tax reform focused on Missouri’s working families

Claire McCaskill
Senator Claire McCaskill
4 min readNov 29, 2017

ALSO FACT: The Mitch McConnell tax plan doesn’t do that.

There’s a lot of misinformation out there right now over tax reform, so I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about this important issue and let you know where I stand.

I want tax reform. Many of my Democratic and Republican colleagues want tax reform. This should be an area where we can leave politics at the water’s edge and get something real and meaningful done, because it will help middle-class families in every state in the union —and most definitely help families in Missouri.

But the fact that we have common ground to start makes the proposal that’s moving through the Senate that much more disappointing.

I’ve met with President Trump. I’ve met with his advisers. I know that we could work together to create a bill truly focused on millions and millions of working people in our country. Unfortunately, the Republican-drafted tax plan doesn’t live up to the commitment I got from President Trump, when he told me he wouldn’t support tax reform that benefited the very rich at the expense of the little guy. This isn’t the bill they’re promising it is, and we have to be crystal clear about that fact. Republican leadership is trying to pull a fast one in the hopes that no one notices.

FACT: We noticed.

If Mitch McConnell decides to start fresh with a real bipartisan approach, I’m ready to get to work and I believe we could get it done. In the meantime, here’s some real talk about what I support, versus what their tax plan actually accomplishes.



Claire McCaskill
Senator Claire McCaskill

A 4th generation Missourian who represents MO in the U.S. Senate. I’m a Democrat, but also a moderate, who irritates folks of both parties with some regularity.