Rhode Island Survivors Share Their Stories

Sheldon Whitehouse
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
2 min readOct 4, 2018


Something very important is happening. Since Dr. Christine Blasey Ford so bravely came forward to tell her story of assault at the hands of Brett Kavanaugh, many Rhode Island women have written me to share their own personal stories of survival.

I get mail every day about the various policies debated in Congress. But I have never had mail like this. This is bigger than the fight over a court nomination.

I’ve heard from women of different ages and backgrounds, some who have held their secrets for years. Those I quote have given me permission, even encouraged me, to share their words. For privacy, their names and other identifying information has been removed.

“I’m sure my rapist hasn’t thought of me since that night 21 years ago either. In fact, he like Kavanaugh would likely deny anything had ever happened, but here’s the thing about rape- the victims never forget.”

“The past few weeks have been doubly difficult with Dr. Ford coming forward and all of the constant news threads and social media threads. I have been triggered with nightmares, fear of being alone, and emotionally wrecked, PTSD and triggers are real.” — Rhode Island Constituent

“No matter how much therapy and time goes by, one small statement or physical interaction can trigger someone who has experienced a traumatic assault.”

— Rhode Island Constituent

“I’m writing this while watching the Kavanaugh hearings in between classes. As a survivor of sexual assault myself, I am terrified of what will happen with the Kavanaugh hearings.” — Rhode Island Constituent

“Personally, I don’t believe that this should be a partisan debate — it’s on the level of basic human rights.”

— Rhode Island Constituent

Thanks to the courage of these women and so many others across the country, we are experiencing a powerful moment. We are finally facing up to tough questions about how women have been treated.

We must not lose the power of this moment. I am grateful to be trusted with these stories, and to have the chance to follow the leadership of these incredible Rhode Island women.

