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Want to know why Congress hasn’t done a thing on climate for 30 years?

A brief summary of the Chamber of Commerce’s record on climate

Sheldon Whitehouse
1 min readJul 3, 2019


Want to know why Congress hasn’t done a thing on climate for 30 years? Look at the record of @USChamber, better called #ChamberofCarbon:

1.In early 2000s, John McCain & Joe Lieberman began working on legislation to reduce carbon pollution; @USChamber & others created phony front group, “United for Jobs,” to oppose their work.

2. In 2005, @USChamber fought against bipartisan cap & trade legislation, scoring the vote against members of Congress if they voted for it. #ChamberofCarbon

3. In 2007, @USChamber ran attack ads against legislation to limit carbon emissions. Check out this ridiculous profile in fear mongering. #ChamberofCarbon

4. In 2009, @USChamber helped kill cap and trade legislation authored by @SenMarkey & @WaxmanClimate. #ChamberofCarbon

5. In 2017, @USChamber paid for debunked study Trump cited as justification for withdrawing from Paris Agreement. #ChamberofCarbon

6. Also in 2017, @USChamber led the charge to kill even a methane leaks rule. #ChamberofCarbon

