via CNN

Whitehouse Condemns Trump, Republicans for Siding Against Blasey Ford

Sheldon Whitehouse
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
2 min readSep 19, 2018


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following statement in response to Senate Republicans’ treatment of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and comments by the president:

“This morning, the President said it is up to Dr. Blasey Ford to convince him she is telling the truth. That is preposterous. Her story is credible: it is rich in remembered detail, corresponds to facts that are known, and was told to others years before. The president and Republicans in the Senate should follow protocol and order the FBI to complete its background investigation as to this claim.

“This process has been off the rails for a long time now, but the last 24 hours signal a new low. A credible woman’s account of sexual assault has been brought forward at enormous personal cost. She has been mistreated by the forces pushing to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, received death threats and unrelenting verbal abuse, and even fled her home and arranged for personal security for herself and her family. In the face of this, Republicans are jamming her into a ‘take it or leave it’ kangaroo hearing without even the courtesy of proper investigation of her claims. It is a disgrace.

“They have done all this in a mad dash to deliver on political promises to big donors ahead of a midterm election. It is shameful, and it must stop.”

